2000: Strange age.

in catholic •  4 years ago 

What work experience do you have? What have you worked for? What is education related to you? Can you answer something brief ...

I do not believe, honestly, and it is not that I cannot answer briefly, but they are lives, years and thousands of thousands of people who have been in many ways, and of course other friends, colleagues, family, and even people that you dislike or put obstacles.



Since I was a minor, almost a child, I have liked to educate and share what I know, I remember that I was at my aunts' house and my cousins ​​who were 1 or 2 years younger, I was already looking at the task, I was going to talk to them little by little and how playing we finished the tasks that they did not understand. Thus, it is that my aunt-mother who had already seen and was the great promoter of readings and companion of trips and visits to the different doctors in Lima, I liked this "job" and also without my income they helped me buy my personal stuff was more the desire to give this knowledge.

To support, to be supportive. I went to university before graduating from school and I began to study mechanical engineering and give classes to fellow students from the PUCP as there were several and in addition to some sandwiches and soda and materials that they gave me, there was always where I worked in the teaching area and to reinforce this almost free of charge.
In parallel, for the year 1999 I was doing my Confirmation, this is a important sacrament for de Catholics.


It was in religious education first of my colleagues, and then of some of my managers who did not study the concepts much; For this reason, given his ignorance in the mornings of mathematics classes, he asked to miss them to talk about "free subjects" with the priest of my school and in the afternoon I would go to play ball or at school or near my house, Well, in addition to acquiring knowledge in the areas of letters and science; I was already a university student and there was nothing more to demand of me for my 5th year of high school. That was until I managed to enter courses that neither my degree nor my degree satisfied me. Because I keep ...


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