Pope Francis and Scandal

in catholic •  6 years ago 


It's okay for faithful Catholics to be angry with a pope, to question him. He is able to sin, to lie, to have poor judgement, to be scandalous.

The first pope, St. Peter, acted scandalously, and St. Paul was compelled to withstand him to the face (Galatians 2). Yet he also taught infallibly, such as in his two epistles and his declaration at the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15).

Like Peter in the first century, his successors (including Pope Francis) have the gift of infallibility, but not the grace to live impeccably. He can even have false personal opinions about the Faith. The bishop of Rome (the pope) teaches infallibly (without error) when speaking in his role as Peter's successor, declaring something for the entire Church to believe.

So Pope Francis literally cannot, for example, solemnly declare for the entire Church to believe that homosexuality is a beautiful and acceptable expression of God's love. Even if he believed that personally and shared it with reporters on an airplane, he would be prevented by the Holy Spirit from making such a binding declaration. He could no more do that than St. Peter could say Gentiles were bound to be circumcised and keep the law of Moses. It's simply impossible, thanks to God's promise.

Therefore, since the gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church (Matthew 16:18), I have complete faith that the Catholic Church will survive. But that doesn't mean the Church in America is guaranteed to survive. And it doesn't mean that high-ranking bishops, including the bishop of Rome, can't totally fail in their leadership. It doesn't mean certain persons, while respecting their office, can't be withstood to the face when they are to be blamed.

The Church is being purged, and we will be leaner and cleaner for it.

Our job is to be holy and faithful, to stay out of mortal sin and live in the state of grace. We are to confess our sins often, receive the Eucharist often, and pray often. And fast often. We have to be bold and stand for truth, with all humility and trust in Christ our Lord.

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