Peodophelia in the Catholic Church

in catholicchurch •  7 years ago 

I am Christian with a faith in God and Our Saviour Jesus Christ. I do not attach myself to a particular religious order, however the church I attend (when possible), I work weekends so hard to attend, but I do watch the services on-line. Anyway, they refer to themselves as Mennonite, but myself I am Christian and try to maintain my relationship with God through my deeds and daily life activities. I am no saint, but the harm done by my sins are to myself only, and it is for me and God to work out. I did grow up for a while in the Catholic Church, as a matter of record, half the staff at the Sacred Heart school I attended as a child were arrested and jailed for crimes against children, and I always found the services to be invocations of evil cast upon the congregation as the priest railed about sin and the wrath of God. It should be noted that around the age of six or seven I lost any interest in going to services, and it wasn't until many years later that I accepted Jesus into my heart and began to develop my relationship with God.

I talk to God and say my prayers and try to do good by my fellow humans, and if I sin I face that action and bring it to God to help me do better next time. The Catholic Church has been a cauldron of deceit from its inception and the disease of pedophilia and the incessant desire to hide the sins of its members will not be resolved until the Church is dissolved. It is a bastion of evil and has a history of protecting the worst that mankind has created.

Here is a link from the Palmeiri Report.

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