The skinny on the scam of catholicism and christianity

in catholicism •  2 years ago  (edited)

Cosmic Law, which Constantine decided to hide from humans by perpetuating the infamy of the Jesus Christ sacrifice story. The crucifixion. Oh if you only knew what crucify means!

Crucify, means to increase in power 1000 fold.

Christos means “anointed with oil”

Quote “when the oil or ointment is crucified, crucified means to increase in power 1000 fold. Not to kill.

It remains two days and a half. The moons period, in the sign of the tomb. Cerebellum. On the third day ascends to the pineal gland that connects to the cerebellum. With the optic thalamus, central eye in the throne of God, is the chamber, overtopped by hollow, or hallowed caused by the cerebrum. The Most High of the body. Which is the temple of the living god.”

As you can see, all of these elaborate writings, were describing the human body and it’s operations. But Constantine lied about that which I’ll get to later.

How about Golgotha? People think that was a mountain. No. That was referring to the human skull.

Christos? “Anointed with oil”

Oil that travels down the spinal column.

“The Jordan River” these were symbols revolving around the human body. All of it. Jacobs Ladder = the zodiac.

Jacobs Ladder is not a story of a man named Jacob.

Jacob in Hebrew means “Heel Catcher or


The latter referring to the influence of the signs of the zodiac upon the Earth. And as one sign, rising every 2 hours, forms a circle every 24 hours.

The 4 and 20 elders of Revelation = the outer stars of the rising suns. Sons.

The “Sons of god” no the Suns of god.

33 angels = 33 ANGLES of light.

I could go on.

One day…

“The council of Nicea, dominated by Constantine, voted that these symbols of the human body were persons. That Jesus was a certain historical man. A contention utterly and indubitably. Without foundation in fact. And that all who believed the story would be saved and forgiven here and now. The idea appealed to the Constantine as an easy way out of his troubled mind. And so the scheme of salvation by the actual blood of a real man or god was engrafted in the world. Constantine and his dupes saw that the only way to perpetuate the infamy, was to keep the world in ignorance to the operation of the cosmic law. So they changed times and seasons. The invention of the Julian calendar. The Gregarian calendar. There’s other Roman calendars. They slowly changed the beginning of the year. They slowly changed some of the names of the months. They slowly changed the amount of days in a month.”

Constantine hid the cosmic law using catholicism.

As David Martin says, “these are not prophecies of god. These are pre-meditated acts of man. Let’s make sure we know the difference”

And if you don’t believe me…theeen it’s more walls of text for you I’m afraid.

The Secrets of Fatima.

The 3rd Secret of Fatima.

In the early 1900s, two women were visited by a woman named Mary. And they were told two prophecies from the secrets of Fatima.

These described the existence of the First World War. The sequence of the Second World War. And some would say it described rather directly the assassination of JFK. (Without naming who it would be)

Among other things.

Pope Benedict, who was known as Cardinal Ratzinger, stated before he became Pope

“The 3rd secret of Fatima was not fully published. Parts of the secret were, and they were authentic. But there is more of the secret yet to be published”

Those involved the coming of the bad council the bad mass. The bad council already happened. It involved some well known figures of today. Like…Fauci. And, the bad mass is coming.

Many people have interpreted that the bad mass is referring to the catholics revelation styled apocalypse.

David Martin has a video alllllll about it. Just type it in on Rumble

David Martin Vatican

And there ya go it’ll pop up.

So you see, the prophecies, are not prophecies. They write down in the book, what they planned to do all along. In small periods of time, adding to the book every hundred or couple hundred years. And, anything else in there that alludes to things happening now that people saaaay were written there 400 years ago or 1600 years ago, that was alluding to coming atrocities and apocalypse in THEIR near future. Near being 100 - 200 years. These people do things in very long term plans. Even the environmental movement is a great example that was started when? The late 20s early 30s?

So when you see a terrible world event happening and you believe it must be revelation, it’s just the script writers playing out an act of the story. “It’s the end times!” No it’s an end of a time. Not literally the earth splitting and a Dragon/Beast/Devil coming out with demons. In fact something being a Devil doesn’t mean its not a God. Devil is not the opposite of a God. A God can be a Devil and a Devil can be a God that is a Devil but…that’s another story.

The whole bible story is fabricated I mean, should I mention Constantine again.

And, my father has been to the Vatican. He’s seen what’s down there. He knew half of what I was going to talk about as soon as I brought up the fact that I could go on for 20 or 30 minutes about how much of a scam christianity and catholicism is. But he was surprised to hear about the Constantine part.

So, everyone that told you you’re a fool and you’re gonna burn forever for not believing the story that was written by man and the head of that story says he is the voice of god and says he speaks for god ‘Ze Pope’ they’re all wrong. You’re fine. They’re all…astronomically, wrong. Like, you realise the Pope is just SAIYAN that and pretending he’s speaking for god because that is how the authority figures control the world through governance. Government. And he’s above the damn banksters! The Rothschilds the Rockerfellers JP Morgan who’s an agent of the Rothschild there’s the banksters and their agents. And the POPE is behind the Jesuit Order and above alll of “Ze JEWS!” They’re HIS bankers! Ze Zionists are bankers for the Vatican and so the Pope pretended he’s speaking for god to say such a thing such as Romans 13:1 because that gives governments ultimate authority as the “governing authorities” decreed BY GOD to obey and oh shall I go into the end of tv broadcasting in the older days with the national anthem and the subliminal message?

Trust the US government.

God is real. God is watching.

Believe government god.

Rebellion will not be tolerated.

Obey consume obey consume.

Trust the U S Government - By the dawns early light.

The words appear briefly as the previous letters rotate into By the dawns early light. So you never see the full word Trust or Government.

And I’m just getting started!

Here’s a prelude to what’s next.

Just like real Anarchy or Anarchism is not what ‘theeey’ tell you it is.

Just like Antifa are not actually Anti Fascist.

Just like that, real Satanism is not what ‘theeeey’ tell you it is either.

Satanism, is Anarchy adjacent by principle.

While the bible god is, well, Romans 13:1, says all you need to know. The OPPOSITE of Anarchy.

“For the governing authorities are not a terror to good, but to bad”

Satan himself calls the people that you think are Satanists, fakes.

Psalm 107: You will fight my enemies. Even those who claim to be SATANISTS, that spread false information about me. They are not mine, nor were they ever.

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