Meet all our animals#2: Katya

in cats •  7 years ago 

I told Katya about my cat more than once and I can say a lot more. This is really an amazing creature. Probably, her behavior is also related to the fact that Katya's fate did not initially develop very well. A small, neglected kitten was thrown into the trash. It was taken away by volunteers. The first people who took Katya, returned her a week later and said that she eats too much ... Then we appeared. In our house, Katya immediately found a family. I can not say that she is an affectionate cat. Not at all. But she is intelligent and knows how to take care of others.

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KITTY!! I want it


These are such precious photographs I love them !

Thank you:)

The cat's footpads absorb the shocks of the landing when the cat jumps.

good post 👍 I really like your post with good pictures of satisfying essay. thank you for sharing

Thank you

omg she is adorable, I can't believe someone could do that to her :( it looks like she's living it up now tho!

I hope she is happy with us:)

I love your animals. Cats and Birds together. Precious!

Thank you:)

So many expressions on her face! She's adorable.

Thank you:) She is really amazing:)

Aww her little smile and yawn!


Beautiful photographies!

Thank you:)

We've had a couple animals that seem to like other animals better than they like people too. I think I like them better for the honesty even if they aren't very fond of me.

I don't mean that there aren't animals that like people best - we had one dog who was like that She was very honest in her preference too.

Animals are different, like people. Each has his own character and preferences.