Good evening blog readers, on this cool mid-autumn Friday night. It’s just a little over an hour until Halloween here on the West Coast. Or All-Hallows Eve, or Samhain. Whichever you’d like to call it. Either way, it’s the night when the veil between worlds is thinnest, so we wear masks to prevent evil spirits from recognizing us as human. Evil spirits are easily fooled by pieces of plastic. But since it is that time of year, so I thought I’d share a spooky story about a cat. When I was younger, we had this cat. Lived to be 20 years old, that we know of. Thing is, every now and then he would get sick, and then another animal in the house would just die, out of nowhere. But this cat would be fine. And the really creepy thing is we don’t really know what happened to him. He got sick one day, then just disappeared. So theoretically, this cat could still be out stealing the life force from other people’s pets. Or he just ran off into the woods to die by himself. They do that sometimes. As they say, the simplest conclusion is most likely the correct one. But it’s not nearly as fun to think about, is it?
Anyway, so I guess this cat is sort of like the Zodiac killer. Most likely dead, but we don’t reeeeaaaalllly know that do we? I mean, he’s probably dead, but it’s more fun to think he’s not. Anyway, I just watched that movie. I don’t know how much of it is real, so as far as I’m concerned this is just a detective movie. And I do enjoy a good detective movie. And by the same guy who did Seven? Shiiiiit let’s do this. I especially like them when the detectives have to actually do detective work, rather than just going from one gunfight to the next. Not that I don’t enjoy a good gunfight, there’s certainly a place for that. I would just like a good story behind it all. What I liked about this story is it called some attention to how the media sensationalizes things. I particularly enjoyed the part where the killer tells them he’s going to make his killings look like robberies and . and other “normal” killings. You know, that shit that happens all the time that we don’t pay nearly as much attention too.
And of course that’s like all the corruption in the government that’s not linked to Donald Trump. But “shh!” can’t say anything about that right now, right? Not with the election just 4 days away! If you don’t unconditionally follow and defend the leaders that have been chosen for you! Once we get them elected, you’ll still be ruled over by an unaccountable .01% elite, but you might be able to get a little bit more help from the government. And we have to protect the Supreme Court! Even though the Republicans already got their new Justice confirmed, and the Democrats didn’t really fight very hard against her. Not nearly as hard as they fought against Bernie Sander. They could have filibustered, or just not shown up. Only takes like 34 senators not showing up to break a quorum. You’d think they’d be willing to do that for someone they say is going to make The Handmaid’s Tale come true. But they couldn’t stop her, so at best they’re an ineffective opposition, and at worst they’re just part of the puppet show. Yet this is somehow the only alternative to the hard right in this country.. If this democracy thing is ever going to work out, then people can’t be afraid to vote for their values, instead of just against their fears. If we must continue to have these governments , then they ought to function more like a permaculture garden, where everything works together so the whole garden can thrive. . Of course, there are some points of view that are like weeds, and ought to be excluded. Otherwise you end up with a garden full of hemlock and you certainly don’t want that. Fascism is like that, so is corruption. They will poison your whole garden.
Anyway, I’m really high and rambling tonight. Election day is just around the corner, so if you haven’t voted already, you probably should. That being said, I certainly won’t judge you if you don’t. I’m pretty sure shit will be going down regardless of who comes out on top. So Fuck it, before it fucks you.