I just love cats...and funny stories about my pets.

in cats •  7 years ago 

Hello !
I am 23 years old, not a stereotype cat person like in Memes:))
As the title says ...i freaking love cats. im a owner of 4 cats, my boyfriend has 2 cats, i got 2 cats at my grandparents(all adopted) and all my friends laugh at my "ability" for spotting cats. Seriously, if we go out downtown, taking a walk even when im driving i can spot all the cats around me, call them, pet them...
People say im crazy but...seriously. Who doesnt love cats? Also i got like 2 dogs who just came in my backyard and...they never left, so i adopted them, two rabbits and 5 ducks.
The story about the ducks its kinda fun. I woke up one morning with a duck in my backyard. My dogs were barking...i go check it out and there she was. A cute little duck. Thought she was a male at first. So i bought a female to keep him company. After i realized the fact that now i got 2 males...i went and bought 3 females...and i end up with 5 ducks. And these are not the only animals that came or landed in my backyard...since i moved here there was a stork wich landend injured on my porch...i called the vet and give her treatment..she got well and she got back to her job...delivering babies :)) The list goes on with a baby hawk with a broken wing...made him well and releasing him into the wild, baby pigeon, a guinea pig and a parrot. Last two i think they were from my neighborhood ...i didnt returned them to their owner because if they were lost they didnt give them attention and love ...so i found them a new loving owner on social media sites. I will not be surprised if i wake up one morning with a ostrich, deer, bear, penguin, giraffe, elepahnt in my backyard. Anything is possible. Its like a secret map for the animals, with a big X on my property saying "if you are injuried, lost, looking for a owner go there. Its marked on the map with a BIG X !!" That being said...please come. Ill take good care of you all ! !

Thank for reading! Be back soon with pics of my pets! mda steem.jpg

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A cat's appetite is the barometer of its health. Any cat that does not eat or drink for more than two days should be taken to a vet.