Knotilus Daily Pond

in cats •  3 years ago 


Good day to you!!

Hope you’re all enjoying your lives out there, regardless of the storms and pitfalls that life can bring us.

Best to see the beauty in all things as much as possible, especially now.

Like Venus! She’s very beautiful!


I completed my painting of the puffin!


I decided to just stick with the white yarrow flowers, they’re so common here, growing everywhere and flowering from spring to fall. Made sense to me anyway!

I’m going to do a couple with northern lights next. I have a commission to do, but I have also wanted to try out a few different ways of creating paintings with the beautiful aurora borealis in the sky for some time.

Hopefully I’m able to make what’s in my head come out on canvas.

Something else I created!


his morning I whipped up my own home made salad dressing!

It was very simple, I just used olive oil, lime juice, fresh garlic, a ton of spices and herbs, a little salt and a pinch of sugar for balance! It was delicious on my morning breakfast salad!!

Also, I was going on this morning about how good it is to have a salad for breakfast! Might seems weird to some, but a while back when I was feeling really ill, I noticed that salad for breakfast was one of the smartest decisions I could make when trying to decide what to eat in the mornings.

I manage many health issues through diet and lifestyle. It’s challenging, and a constant struggle sometimes to figure out what to eat, but salad never makes me feel bad. I would wake up and make a giant salad and eat every bite and have more energy throughout the day, less digestive upset and just a general feeling of wellness I don’t get from any other type of meal.

High carb meals in the morning consistently make me feel awful, so usually I avoid that at all cost. High fat and proteins with greens is usually ok too, but just a big salad works best for me.

This dressing has zero preservatives aside from a little balsamic vinegar and the lime juice, I keep it in the fridge and just give it a good shake when I want to use it. Should last a good while in there, though I’m sure I’ll use it up in no time anyway because I LOVE eating greens!

I started a macrame project a week or two ago, then I had a few orders come in and set it aside. Now that most of the orders are completed I’m working on it again, deciding how it will look as I go.


The best part of macrame is that once you’ve learned your knots, you’re free to make unique designs that are all your own! I’m finding most of my pieces kind of look like they could be cute bras as well as wall hangings.

Perhaps venturing into making macrame tops is my next step in my macrame journey.

So exciting to be creating and sending out orders for my beautiful customers and friends! I never thought I could really pull it all off considering how much I have going on, but here I am, making it happen and feeling great about the direction my life is heading!!


And naturally I have my support system, Venus, always there to lend a paw to help her mom! 😂

Thanks baby girl!


I need to keep this train rolling! If you’re interested in anything custom, I do have some space for that at the moment and would love to get some more orders going!! The puffin painting is still up for grabs, as well as this new macrame wall hanging, which will be a much larger piece that previous ones.

Again, so thankful for everyone who has placed orders with me, and I so hope you enjoy my work!

Maybe one day it will be my main source of income, but for now I’m happy to keep creating when I have the time and working my dozen other side jobs as well. Never stopping is fine by me, being busy keeps me outta trouble 😸

Some memes for you lovely people!! ❤️






Thanks again!

Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery about the homestead and the creations, it’s then finished off with some choice memes.

Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray and dull, I’m happy to share the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂


The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️

Check out my other creations through my link tree


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