๐Ÿˆ TOP 10 Most Dog-Friendly Cat Breeds!

in catsanddogs โ€ขย  4 years agoย 

TOP 10 Most Dog-Friendly Cat Breeds

A list of the most dog-friendly cat breeds will reveal you cats that adore their furry doggy friend.
Cats and dogs, is it possible?
If you wanna see the top 10 cats that get along well with dogs that you are in the right place. Sounds good, does it?

TOP 10 most dog-friendly cat breeds:

  1. Abyssinian. 8:25
  2. American Shorthair. 7:36
  3. Birman. 6:54
  4. Bombay Cat. 5:58
  5. Japanese Bobtail. 5:01
  6. Maine Coon. 4:34
  7. Ragdoll. 3:29
  8. Norwegian Forest Cat. 2:29
  9. Tonkinese Cat. 1:24
  10. Siberian Cat. 0:34

Wanna see more? The video guide provides you a quick view. For more check the article at:
Healthy Pet Systems

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