Sparrow Hunt

in catsnaps •  5 years ago 

Our Peach Sparrow Hunter. He always liked to watch them only from the window, while loudly meowing and clapping his teeth. And today, the cat decided to climb higher on the vineyards and watch the sparrows live. But without waiting for anything, upset Peach went down, mewing plaintively to me.

Наш Персик охотник за воробьями. Всегда он любил наблюдать за ними лишь из окна, при этом громко мяукая и клацая зубами. А сегодня кот решил залезть повыше на виноградник и понаблюдать за воробьями уже вживую. Но так ничего и не дождавшись, расстроенный Персик спустился вниз, жалобно мне мяукая.
Camera Huawei Honor 7A
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#BEAUTIFUL photos!! Stunning!
Love the story that goes with the pictures - after all his watching at the window, snapping his teeth, he gets out for a closer look - then jumps down and runs back to @all-kopica for safety. Maybe he felt less brave once he was within catching distance of the sparrows. This would make a cute children's book - one adults would love (me! me!).

Hi @alla-kopica,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

Yes, I can really write a book about my kitten. And he found, he chose me, and now a year since we are inseparable from him. Our family loved him very much