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I love Toast. 💚 Yuan got the nickname Denis Leary Cat because not only was he trying to drink my coffee in the morning (which is bad for cats, so I was snatching it away from him all the time. He does it less often now), but when a friend was over who smokes tobacco, I had grabbed a tin put of the recycle bag to use as an ashtray since I don't have one. Yuan went out on the balcony after, tipped over the tin, and rolled around in the ashes like they were catnip. Coffee and cigarettes = Denis Leary Cat.
Side note, if Toast doesn't like catnip, he !might like peppermint. Yuan goes NUTS for peppermint.
I found that out when I was inundated with BIG HONKING SPIDERS one year, coming in under my front door, where there is a gap. I googled and found out spiders don't like peppermint, so I lined the bottom of the door with dried peppermint like a salt barrier on Supernatural. Yuan, again, rolled around in it getting high. 😂
PS, yes, it worked to deter spiders.

I'll have to try the peppermint

Kool my cat always wanna be around me when I smoke my ganja

What a cute cat, hello to her from our cats) Admire them here: Thank you for the wonderful post. Supported.


Perhaps Toast would like Catnip? We Toast to Toast, CHEERS !

Funny. Toast doesn't fuck with catnip.. the other cat however...

wow..what a beautiful cat... I love cat
thanks for sharing


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hahaha fuuny..
btw this cat yours?? wht is the name?? @davedickeyyall

My cat. His name is Toast.

so adorable cat.

ha ha it's funny....