Two new baby kittens have blessed us with their presence...

in caturday •  6 years ago 



And what a cute little amazing Caturday today started off being! Aren't they cute!?

I got up this morning and did my routine morning chores feeding and taking care of cats like I normally do. For those who don't know everyday is Caturday for me. Cause all we got here where I live are cats. Oodles and oodles of cats!

Some of my wife's family who used to live up here left their cats who were not spayed or neutered, which created a feral problem. She and her grandma have tried to catch them to get them fixed, but have had no luck with some of them. So whenever we find kittens, we take them in and raise them so that they are tame enough to have fixed when they are older.

We weren't planning on going into town today other than to check the mail. I had just got done feeding the outside cats when my wife noticed them. We were just about out the door when she said there's kittens out there. I was just outside and hadn't seen them. Sure enough, under the table on the edge of the deck, Tiger, our feral mamma tabby cat had these two little kittens rolling around playing under her. So we ended up having to go all the way into town to get them formula.

Thing 1
Thing 2

Bridget is 38 weeks pregnant today, and she could go into labor any day. These kittens need to be fed every 2-3 hours, which we can't do from the hospital. Are there any Steemians in the Northwest Arkansas area that want a couple kittens???

For now it is back in the crate for these two. Their little baby kitten bellies are full so it is time for a nap. Too bad they don't stay this way. They grow up to be CATS!!!

PROOF of kittens.

Thanks for looking and have a happy CATURDAY!!!


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They are so cute and nicely marked. You two are sweet hearts for taking care of the feral problem. Much luck with the human baby. :-)

We think they are two to three weeks old. They are still too small to tell which gender they are. I think they might be males but I can't tell yet.

Good practice feeding them, when the human one comes. :-)

So cute... nice pics... :)

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Thanks Bhaski!

They are totally adorable! You're good folks for doing what you can to help with the feral cat problem. I hope you find a home for the little guys!

Happy Caturday!

Thanks @curatorcat! We got too many cats as it is so trying to raise two more is too difficult. Hopefully we will find someone who can take them.

This post reminded me your shot glass should have arrived today...

I dropped you a line on discord earlier. No it didn't come today. No worries :-). It will get here when it gets here.

Bummer the tracking said today though guess this hurricane has everything delayed some.

P-O-K ~ Proof of KIttens. LOL

Happy Caturday!

Sorry, I am too far away to be of help to you. They are the cutest little things. Getting up every few hours to feed them is good practice for when your new baby arrives. Good luck with the delivery. The best part is holding them close as soon as they are born!

You are the 2nd person today to tell me that. Thanks!

haha! man are those some cute kittens Rainbow you guys ever try to give some away?

We are trying with these. We have too many already, and I could go into labor any day now. They need more attention than we will be able to give them.

oh well howdy there bridgetmartin! good to hear from you, I've been an admirer of you since I learned about you because you must have supernatural patience and grace to be able to put up with Rainbow Man!

lol. just teasing...we love that guy.
but yeah with the new baby those cats will have to have reduced care taking time for sure! God bless you guys!

Yeah, it's a full time job putting up with him jk He's really not so bad. Let's just say I have had to put up with much worse than him even on his worst day...

haha..ok you had to put up with much worse than him so it makes him actually look charming! lol. I like his hats and the way he dresses!

Why thank you Jonboy! Maybe it is a personality thing. Just wait I got plenty of hats you haven't seen yet too. In time they will come out.

haha! howdy tonight Rainbow Man! well I can't wait to see those that's for sure. Hey did I understand that you guys are on the verge of having a baby?

Really Jonboy? You've been following me for months now and just now realized this?

Just cats? No pigs, cows, chickens, or goats? You must be a vegetarian, either that or you REALLY like Cats..
Just kidding.. Best Wishes on Fatherhood; best thing that ever happened to me..
Only thing is, now i got domesticated.. Following...

We have a few chickens left. I posted a blog a few months ago of them after raccoons killed most of them. It was brutal. As we get our homestead built we plan on getting dogs, goats, and more chickens. Possibly a pot bellied pig. You never know! Eventually I plan on building a cage to put snakes in too. I catch them all the time.

i keep a live trap 24/7 baited with anchovy paste.. it'll catch anything except foxes, and coyotes.. but you'd probably get tired of pulling cats out!!

It is mainly raccoons and opossums we have a problem with. We have bears, foxes, and coyotes but rarely do we see them. Like maybe once a year will we see a bear. Every now and then we hear coyotes barking.