11-10-2018 Caturday pics

in caturday •  6 years ago 

Happy Caturday!
Kimba, Tiger, and Harley send purrs out to everyone today.
Our Extra Life event was a success, we raised $1,285 for the Children's Miracle Network over the course of a 25 hour gaming event.
Kimba spent most of the day hiding from the 12 people who invaded our home to play games.

Tiger came out to investigate the players but after about 18 hours of people in his house, he just wanted them to leave.

Things calmed down and by Tuesday he was back to his happy self. Here he is recharging after the party-

And Kimba always helps by cuddling him when he is anxious-

Harley spends her days near the boys, just doesn't like being a part of the pile.

It has started snowing this week, not much yet but a taste of winter to tease us.
On Tuesday-

On Friday-

Our Larch on Friday-

Today we are heading to a few Geocaching events and will be wandering around the Polson, MT area. I am hoping to get some fun photos from the trip.

I will leave you with Tiger and our friend Stewart taking a gaming break last weekend-

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Loveyl cats - and it's great how much money you made. Kudos to you and all the other participants!

(Tiger seems to be more exhausted than the two-leg, a cat's life is hard with all the responsibilities there are)

Well done on the fundraising, @jamethiel ! Lovely cat (and snow) photos too :D

Thank you!

Ah, kitties, how fluffy!

How many cats do you have? :)

We have 3 cats, two boys- Tiger and Kimba, and one girl- Harlequin, who is called Harley by everyone.