Caturday Morning Cuteness - #7

in caturday •  7 years ago 

Caturday morning cuteness goes to show that even cats and mice can love each other! Reesee gives kisses to her toy mousey! Have a great day! Photo taken with my iPhone.

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Sooo adorable

it is lovely

My cat Cookie is not fond of ANY toy! :( He has only one love.... Chicken!

es adorable! seguro le caería muy bien a mi gatillo cricri, pasa a conocerlo, es la primera foto que subi aquí. Hoy es el primer dia que uso steepshot

milk treading gif

Hallo, apa kabar @steemkitten? Artikelnya keren ini dan telah kami upvote ya.. 8-)

cuddle attack 2 gif

While many cats enjoy milk, it will give some cats diarrhea.

My cad enjoys yoghurt!

They are so cute cats

Love it!