The cats get a stomach bug or something

in caturday •  6 years ago 

miss P
Last weekend, Ms P started refusing to eat. On Friday, my vet had suggested that I give her antinausea tablets and see if that helped because all of her cats had also been through the same thing and if that didn't work, to bring her in for an antibiotic shot and a stronger antinausea injection. She ate a little bit on Saturday morning so I decided not to take her in.
Of course by lunchtime she wasn't eating and the vet was closed by then and I had to go to work. On top of that, it was a long weekend because Monday was a public holiday. Anybody who has kept cats knows that it is a universal law that cats become ill at those times so I decided to just treat her as best I could at home. She continued to refuse food and by the time I got home from work on Saturday night, Tom wasn't eating either and on Sunday, Katia also went off her food. All of them vomited a little but taking all three to an emergency vet would have been beyond my budget. Antinausea tablets seemed to help a little so I just gave them all some and hoped that they would be ok until Tuesday.

To my immense relief, Ms P ate a little on Monday morning so when I went to work I got some different food to what she usually eats because changing the food sometimes gets nauseous cats eating. To my relief, that helped and I decided that since she was now eating, the others would also start eating in a few days, starting with Tom, who had been next to fall ill. My prediction was correct, Tom started eating the next day and then so did Katia.

I have no idea what was wrong with them but I am very grateful that is over. Has anyone else ever had cats stop eating for 4-5 days?

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Its the weekend sickness!

When Suzi decided to get sick it is always Friday or Saturday... when the vet opens only on Monday again.
I don't think she ever stopped eating for that long Sometimes she skips one meal... but it never lasts too long.

Don't they just know how to ruin a weekend?

I have the same experience of sick cats always around the weekend. Glad yours are getting over what ailed them.

It's enough to drive anyone crazy!

Yes, I get nervous as hell. Like a mother hen.

Suzi is limping today... on Sunday..
No clue what happened to her.

Typical! Could she have trod on a cactus?

Very typical!
Didn't find anything on the paws. It seems she doesn't like to have her higher leg touched. We will see how she walks tomorrow.

Hope she is ok. She's too young for arthritis but maybe she jumped and landed oddly or something

We are thinking it could be that. Hope it is just that. Other than this she acts normal. And lets us touch the leg and all..

I hope so!

We've experienced similar illnesses with our six cats usually it happens consecutively, not all at once. kind of odd. Is it possible they got some bad food? We feed the cats a mix of dry and canned food. at least four cats get food from the same can. While I don't recall experiencing anything like that, I would assume there is the risk since the food is not heated before giving it to them.

At the time, my cats weren't getting any canned food. Usually, I solve diarrhoea tummy trouble at home with probiotics but this was a new experience

Yes, SO true that cats invariably get ill on Friday evening of a bank holiday weekend.

But yes, have had that happen with multiple (indoor-outdoor) cats, all at once. This was a number of years ago. Turned out that one of the cats had caught dragged home a young possum that had already been poisoned, and left it under the front stairs where we didn't see it. In the course of a couple of days, we guess all four cats... at one time or another... licked or chewed on the carcass just enough to get "somewhat ill" but not seriously ill... including going off their food.

So if something like that is possible where you are, that might be one possible explanation.


I did consider that but I think it's more likely to have been a virus or similar

Cats can be so treated for diseases. Abstain from eating until the disease subsides. After all, people fast at a certain time. It is believed that this way natural cleansing of the body of toxins occurs

The problem is that not eating will only cure some stomach complaints, other more serious sickness also starts with not eating