in caturday •  6 years ago 

Inca thinks the roof of the Guinea pig house is the best place to sharpen her nails, as you can see from the state of the timber.


You would think that the poor little Guinea pigs would be terrified having a monstor like that on top of their house, but they actually aren't, I think they are used to her laying on top of their cage while she watches them feed.


Inca also loves hanging out with the dogs, she lets them lick her head and then she will just lay next to them and sleep. They are one happy little family.


Now its time to relax!


Photos and content by white.tiger

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Inca looks so happy! Have a great Caturday!

Thankyou! Do you think you think you will be getting another cat or is it still to soon?

I still miss our Reesee so very much...losing her while at the beginning of my 3rd trimester of pregnancy has been really hard on me. We will absolutely have another cat, but having just given birth to our baby, we will be waiting until he is a little older before bringing a new kitty love into our lives. Until then I will continue enjoying and supporting all of the steem kitty’s. 💕

Oh, I didn't know you were expecting at the time, that would have made it especially hard. But congratulations on your beautiful baby and enjoy this special time in your life. Also thankyou for your support here on steemit, I really appreciate it.

Inca is gorgeous! Good she's found a special spot to do her scratching. Sounds like you have a very happy fluffy family :)


Inca needs to give my crew lessons in tolerance

Hahaha😂 she needs to give her sister a lesson on tolerance. Sandy is the only one Inca can't win over with her sweetness, but Inca still hasn't given up on her, Sandy is a real grouch.

Those are some might sharp claws Inca.

Yes, but she is such a good girl she would never use them on us.

Haha... My kitty liked to scratch the bottom of the window frame... worn it totally down! :D

Little rascals! Inca even has one of those cat trees but she prefers the timber.

Nope no cat trees... we brought in a specific branch for her to scratch, she wouldn't even look at it! lol....