in caturdaysaturday •  7 years ago 


This picture was taken several years ago when we really had a good snow year. This is my Sylvester. He was once a wild barn kitty. Being of the male sex, he was quite the scrapper. He received an injury he couldn't take care of and I was able to capture him and take him to the local Vet for care. Since that time, he has become the Man of the house.

homesteading badge.png

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Human steemit photo.jpg

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Cute kitty!
Love the 'Steem people' at the end! :D

The steem people came from an entry I did for @papapepper contest awhile back. Featured are Left to Right, @fishyculture, @longsilver and myself. It was fun to put together. I need to figure out how to shrink it a little. thanks for coming by.

Sorry for butting in, @warpedweaver, open the picture in Paint and hit the resize button ;) Then, input by what percentage you want it smaller.

You aren't butting in at all darlin, thanks for the info. Now to try and find that app :)

Most computers/laptops that run on Microsoft have Paint pre-installed, just right click the picture and scroll over to 'open with', a drop-down menu should appear and paint should be on there.

Human steemit photo.jpg

Thank you so much for the instructions. I did it!!! lol

Wow, that's one tiny picture :D You're very welcome!


Nice looking cat for caturday! Looks like you had a smidgeon of a snow...poor cat. You need to buy him some snowshoes or at least a sled!

Yes, he was a pretty rugged kitty at one time. Since his injury, 5 years ago, he has barely set foot outside! I can't blame him for not wanting to get his feet wet or cold, I don't like it either. He is a great sleeping buddy and keeps me warm and sings his purrfect lullaby at night.

Great photo! (I love the Steem symbol photo too!) I am so glad you are back. I have missed you!

I missed everyone also. It took all my brain power to stay in the moment. It feels so good to be home and sleeping in my own bed and sorting the events. Each day gets better. Look out, I'm back! lol