Why are you with CBDoken, Karina Streng?

in cbdoken •  6 years ago 


                               CMO at CBDoken

Personal Drive

I believe in developing people and organisations to make them happier and more satisfied. I stay to my personal purpose all the time and I feel better than ever before since focus on this.


I worked in the IT for around 12 years and I love the combination of IT with something else. I believe, you can solve a lot of current problems with digital products and some of them create a shift for a lot of people all over the world. My core competences are in the fusion of IT and leadership which means I love to develop teams to stay together and be more efficient just by showing them where to go and give them the power to decide by their own.

MyFit to CBDoken

Since my daughter was born by the end of 2015 I’m only spending my time for projects and people I personally like. I don’t want to waste my time for something simple like getting paid. As Christoph Richter reached out to me I agreed immediately to join the team. I know Christoph for a while and I know one thing about him, he only joins project he believe in and when I met Alexander Lacina I was sure that we can build something awesome together. Alex personal background to CBD was something totally new for me. I never came in touch with CBD and was astonished about the positive affects of it.

I had a lot of questions but the most important ones where “Why it is possible for CBDoken to be that cheap” and “Why do you want to create a Token baked in CBD. Why do we need the Token”.

The answer of the first question was easy: “Cause we partner directly with PharmaHemp and cut off the distributors. So the customers are able to buy it way cheaper than in the shops”. For me that sounded awesome.

The answer for the second question was simple and genial at the same time: “Cause we believe that CBD can make the world a more healthier place. ICO will be the future and Hemp is a stable product. So let’s bring some stability in the unstable world of ICO’s. Resellers can trade in something stable for the future which has a real product behind.”

As soon as I was in touch with the team it was awesome. Every single person in this company is extremely dedicated and reliable, what by the way is necessary. Cause we are all over the world. They accepted me from the first moment I entered the team which shows me a lot of the spirit of the company. It’s an open minded group which gives people the space for a lot of creativity, decisions and being who they are, the authentic great person itself.

I love to be part of this team and looking forward!

Karina Streng

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