25 CBX Free Giveaway
Crypto Bullion (CBX) is doing a free giveaway to celebrate our upcoming masternode implementation and release of Vault 3.0! There are multiple ways to enter so you have numerous chances to win! Get sharing, following and liking to enjoy your share of 25 CBX!
You can enter our free giveaway using the following link: https://gleam.io/yMlvQ/cbx-bpn-masternode-awareness-giveaways
Join Our Telegram for Further Information https://t.me/joinchat/FkBLVEimXQscVn1cetdd4g
Key Masternode Facts
- 2000 CBX to form a BPN.
- Max cap of 125 masternodes.
- Masternode owners receive 9-18% yearly interest (depending on participation).
- Non-masternode CBX owners will receive 3-6% yearly interest from traditional PoSP staking.
- Max 2% annual inflation
Coin Info and Statistics
- 1,004,519 CBX in circulation
- Proof of Stake Participation (PoSP) on Dec 31, 2015
- 65 Second block time
- Eligible for staking after 1 hour
- 2% Annual inflation
- Year-long inflationary distribution stage completed on July 13, 2014
- Proof of Work completed on January 1, 2016
Website: http://cryptobullion.io/
White Paper: http://cryptobullion.io/white-paper/
Coin Market Cap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cryptogenic-bullion/
Official Forum: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=951753.0
Block Explorer: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/cbx/
(Here you can view all the transactions happening on the blockchain provided you have a block ID, transaction ID or an address)
Exchange: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=CBX_BTC
(Do NOT buy on Yobit – suspended withdrawals for months and refuse to answer our emails)
Join Our Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/FkBLVEimXQscVn1cetdd4g
Follow our Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoBullionX