Listing on Coinbook
We are delighted to announce that in the coming months CBX will be listed on Coinbook is a USA based exchange which will soon offer all trading pairs against USD, transparency, no hidden fees and top of the line security. Currently, Coinbook are preparing and finalising the trading platform before it can go live. You are still able to signup on now and you will receive an email once it goes live.
Listing Information
CBX is in constant communication with the Coinbook team to ensure everything proceeds smoothly and according to plan. We have high hopes for this exchange to become an important trading platform within the crypto community and we are extremely excited to be involved. Below is a recent message we received from the Coinbook team regarding their progress and when listing CBX can become a reality.
"Things are moving forward. We have a few hurdles to get over before we can go live which has pushed us back for much longer than anticipated. The biggest one is an audit that we need which is scheduled before the end of March. That was the earliest we could get it and that has to happen before we can cross the final legal hurdle to go live. In the mean time, we are still working on a diversified banking relationship, a few more anti-fraud partners, and payment processors. This can easily be accomplished before then so we are really just waiting on the audit. They have been really busy with tax season and everyone's year end hitting all at the same time. But we are still on track to go live as soon as we can."
As you can see Coinbook are racing ahead and awaiting an important audit before being able to launch their exchange, the audit is scheduled to happen before the end of March. As you might of noticed, Coinbook have many other exciting features in the works, and it is a fantastic opportunity to have CBX listed on another high quality exchange! As soon as more information becomes available we will be sure to keep the community updated.