## THE [CC]OIN BURN AND BUY DAY!!! First 100 Million CC BURNED UP TO NULL (get 5 CC extra if you comment this post)steemCreated with Sketch.

in cc •  5 years ago  (edited)


[@alucian] You all CC-Lovers know i am the Designer behind the Project. Kristall97 and me think a lot about it. Wached others and learn from them. With this we show you a little bit what we do and you get a better view inside the CC Experiment. In the past two weeks since the market was open, we more than doubled the starting price of 0,01 Steem to 0,02 Steem. We touched the PAL Token´s 24h Trading Volume of 7 Dollar. Now we tell you the wonderfull Story about the CommentCoin Burn and Buy Day [CCBB] and why we do this. Have a lot of fun with it.

This is the CC Burning Story. We do that, to incrase the price of the CC with the time. We started small, but on this way, we looked for a small minimum price limit of the first weeks. Why we would sell all the Coins before all work with it? The small redfishes and minnows look since the last two weeks for selling a cc for their comment. That is, what we hoped. The bigger users like dolphins and orcas buy the CC in bigger amounts. With the time, we grow the volume you need to have in your wallet for unsing our service. This means, if you have a lot of CC, you get a better chance to use it longer, than smaller accounts.

Why we do that? Becouse we need a tool for stop the inflation easy and get bigger accounts for buying CC to reward their commenters easy and with a worth in it. The second side is, they do not need longer "waste" their Steem Vote Power for voting Comments. Voting Articles is a much better way to be seen and give more Steemians, than just one person a reward. This is the argumented side for the Investors of CC.

The Workers. We got much more persons who be under a wale, orca or dolphin on the steem. This persons are able in the beginning time of growing their account and reputation, to wrote comments and get a fair reward of the Vote Payout Target of 0,025 Dollar. If the wrote 10 Comments a day they get 0,25 Dollar and are able to drink a !BEER on the evening for their good work and growing on. The new users did have more fun with our plattform, learn a lot about it, becouse the read the artikles to be not banned from us and wrote good comments under their most liked content.

This should be the two main waights on our libra.
One buy and use a [CC]oin the other one work for [CC]oin and sell it.
It should be in the balance, if all runs optimised.

So now you know, why we need to burn up the "bad" waste tokens to @null. If we reached a good balanced system status, we stop burning and later the project, too. Yes, you read right. We kill the CC-Project one day. If all runs great, this can be in three years estimated.

In the Deathphase we payout all investors and workers and see a collective comment writing steemworld, in their a extra coin for reward the commenters no longer is being needed. I am not sure, this is the best way. But i hope you all will walk him with us to see what we do there. If we get more comments on the steem, than we get the main goal. It is becouse the hole Steem will be more worth after it. In the End of the Story, every Steemian is a winner.

We send every commenter of this post 5 CC.

Have a lot of fun @ commenting other one.

Your CC-Team:
@kristall97 [(Code-Designer)]
@alucian [(Project-Designer)]


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@commentcoin, @kristall97 and @alucian...

Let me see if I get it: I don't have any CC in stake because I haven't won one yet (I just got to know this tag now) so to start earning it with my posts (putting the CC tag in my posts) I need to have at least 10 CC tokens in stake? From what I can understand, I can earn CC tokens by commenting on posts from other users who already use the CC tag.

Am I right?

Hi wiseagent,
yes, you understand the main message from the CC-Project. But you do not need to stake your CC extra. Just buy and hold them, for use the service. In our last posts we tell the users, the needed 10 CC for the service, grow up expotential, but not without brain. :-) Tomorrow we need 20 CC to use the tag.
Have a nice day and thank you for your interessting on the CC project.


I didn't understand this part...

In our last posts we tell the users, the needed 10 CC for the service, grow up expotential, but not without brain. :-) Tomorrow we need 20 CC to use the tag.

Do I have to buy CC in order to start using the service and earn my own CC later (with my posts and comments)?

Do you know the Bitcoin System? :-) I just mirroed it. It is a potential deflation System. To get the inflation rate down, we NEED this system, becouse we have no chance to get your CC out of the wallet, to send them the commenters. ;-) This is not easy posible in a dezentralised system. For the using of the CC you need more and more coins. This is good and bad at the same time. But do tell me a better system to grow something. :-) Trust us/me, i just want to change the steem using with the point of to less comments. My worth from this project is, to get a better reward of my work, if steem is a better system. Hope you understand, this is not the last question you and other ones will have. But it is like to build a car and drive a car... "Everybody" can drive a car, but not build it. For the users are just three things to know about the CC-Project.

Know why it is.
Know how to use.
Know when it ends.

Rest is our hard work. We search for help, but on the internet, the people are harder to get for helping, as in offline live. That is just my point of view and not bad to understand from me. ;-)

@wiseagent Yes you are right. Simply start commenting posts with the #cc tag.

There is NO need to stake them.

Each time you use the #cc you need 10 commentcoin but... You also need some to reward those who leave you a comment!

I suggest you always keep 10 in your wallet.
This means we will pay 10 people who leave you a comment.

Greetings @wakeupkitty

great idea ! I recently bought cc coin . Go all approve @kristall97 for witness

Thank you :)

I can follow to a certain degree... but I'm not sure/convinced by your conclusions...
But we'll see, 3 years is a very long time on steemit...
In the mean time I'm enjoying the comments 😁

[@alucian] Hi @pixelfan.
It doesn't matter if you or others can't follow directly. We still have a lot of ideas and parameters to do ourselves.

The whole overview, about such a seemingly simple topic hardly anyone (not even us) has.

We want to complete the project successfully one day. As you can see, three years is more than enough time to make this possible.
The parameters of who buyers and who sellers are have been in my mind for a long time and I find them very important.

Because without a flourishing market we have no chance to make the project attractive.
Thank you for your comment. :-)
Best regards

@commentcoin i use "nsfw" in 75% of me post, i am allowed to use the "cc" tag with nsfw ?

Good post which I will resteem. The token is a great help to get Steem back alive. Being noticed, get used to commenting again and taking the time to answer.

Who knows people even start reading again and give a comment that makes sense.

I still wonder why starting with many tokens and next burning them. Because the whales would buy them all? I noticed some posts are really bad now...just one line. I really hope this will not be the trend. Happy Sunday, you both did a good job. 💕

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[@alucian] We start with too much tokens to reach the vote payout border of 0,025 Dollar. Like: Have to much, than less. ;-) We burn 300 Million Tokens and stop it after that.

The wales, orcas and dolphins are a big component of the project, they should! buy the most tokens. The smaler ones sell him most time. Look at the steem engine. This works very fine. Sell´s of one, two or three token and bigger buy ins. The System must be pay from someone. These are shure not the small accounts, becouse the have not enought of staked steem.

Hope we know you in the team. It is a lot of work to do. :-)

Lile I said you can count me in. I hope this will not mean next to the trending posts again we will only see posts of big fish with this tag. That again would mean only the top counts and there is no way for the rest to be noticed and receive a comment.

Thanks for explaining how it works. 👍🏻

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Bin sehr gespannt was ihr euch noch ausdenkt

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[@alucian] Das gröbste ist längst gedacht. ;-) Ihr wisst nur noch nicht alles und das ist auch Ok so. Stück für Stück muss alles gehen. Wir bauen am System während es adaptiert wird, dadurch haben wir auch die Zeit dazu, die nötigen Informationen sachte zu verteilen. Ein paar "Kleinigkeiten" warten schon noch auf euch. :-) Lass dich überraschen.
Liebe Grüße

Great post
I come to know about project from @wakeupkitty
Upvoted and resteemed for more visibility.

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[@alucian] Thank you. @wakeupkitty is a big help for us. :-)

Great to meet you here. Good to see you are willing to try something new and make steem.a great place for all of us. 💕

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  ·  5 years ago 

You guys did a great project!!! 👍👍👍

[@alucian] Thank you very much. You are welcome. :-)

I'm still learning much about Steem, but I've started using cc since I've read about it. I thought it has lots of potential from the start. Excited to see where this goes. 😉👍

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[@alucian] Your learning about steem is a long experience. Everyday i learn something about it. The CC Project is just to solve a "problem" on the steem. We hope the steemians see this from the same point of view. Have a lot of fun with it. :-) Greetings

Ich hoffe dass es so sein wird. Vor allem wenn nur gute Kommentare belohnt werden.
Wir werden sehen und ich wünsche das es klappt 👍

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[@alucain] Darauf liegt auch unser Fokus. Die Blackliste und das System dahinter wissen mit der Zeit sehr gut "auszusortieren" was gut ist und was nicht. Den Rest müssen wir manuell nachprüfen. Danke für deine Wünsche.
Liebe Grüße

  ·  5 years ago 

Will it automatically filter out words like greetings?
Many friends would leave a greeting in the comments section.
This is a very normal phenomenon, as if you meet a friend, you will say hello.
In some countries,
Greetings are common phenomena.
Therefore, in the comments section, I often see some greetings .
I don't know if it will be filtered out?

@cloudblade As I understand it works different. You can still greet and wish a happy day but the personal text needs to be added to it. I guess it needs to be tested? @alucian? Greetings @wakeupkitty

  ·  5 years ago 

To understanding
Thank you

I have seen the amount of comments drop in my posts. this is a great way to incentivize a bit more engagement. Thanks for creating this project!

[@alucian] Thank you very much. We work for this idea. If Steem get more Comments, he grow easier.
Have a good Day

Just bought about 250 CC . Great Idea for rewarding interaction.

[@alucian] Very nice. Thank you for supporting this Project. Happy Comments to you and all.
Have a nice Day.

I am still trying to understand the burning business but all in all, this is a cool project. Thank you for bringing this to us!

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[@alucian] We just push the marketcap of coins down. Less Coins, higher worth and price. :-) Thank you too.
Have a nice Day.

Ah cool. Thank you for taking the time to explain. It makes sense. Less supply, higher demand, price goes up :)

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@marblely We hope so. Greetings @wakeupkitty

Schön, dass mir niemand meine Coins wegflaggen kann^^

[@alucian] Naja wir könnten dich ja bannen..... :-) Aber sonst ja, wird es da keine Möglichkeit geben dich zu sanktionieren. :-)

It's something awesome and love your effort, hoping for your great success

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much, you are welcome.
Have a nice day.

Interesting. I was not aware of this coin. Neat.

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A very interesting comment. :-)
We've been working on this project for several weeks now. You can only use it since 2 weeks. So you are an early interested person. :-)
Love greetings and a nice day wished.

I like the idea of this project and I hope to see it reaches the heights that you are aiming for. Good luck to us all. Steemit needs this kind of projects.

[@alucian] You are honored us. :-) Thank you, we work a lot in this project to make it better with the time. For us it is a "old" story. :-) For you it is new. It motivates extremly to see you all like this idea behind the CC. This is what we working for.
Have a nice day and

Espero que tengan éxito rápidamente. Cada vez veo a muchos más steemians, interesados en este proyecto. Adelante.

[@alucian] Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para impulsar este proyecto. Con el tiempo, esto ya sucederá y nos sorprende la demanda que ha surgido entretanto. Una buena señal de que no respondemos por nada.
Saludos cordiales y STEEM ON!

I really like cc, now that I have 10, I've been using the cc tag.

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[@alucian] We say thank you for your support. Do not forget, we incrase the limit from 10 to 20 CC and so on with the time. Becouse we need a tool vs. the inflation and for a better price. The Price Border is 0,025 Dollar, if you take a look on the market... :-) You know enough. :-)
Have a good day and a lot of good comments, too.

Cool idea. I start using it on my posts.

Let the coins roll.

[@alucian] Thank you very much! With the time we add a beer giveaway for all CC users. :-) Free Beer.^^


[@alucian] You are welcome. :-)

OK, I think I see how this works, now I need to go read your intro post to make sure I get it. Thanks @commentcoin!!

[@alucian] There is a lot of knowledge (not the english language ones i mean^^) behind the project. The perfect overview about it, should be imposible, but to understand our idea and our working the last posts should have enough informations to learn something. Thank you very much for your interessting.
Have a nice day and a lot of good comments.

Seems like you're putting more thought into CC than some other creators put into their token economics. However, as someone else mentioned I'm confused as to why you're shutting down in 3 years.

[@alucian] We are honored. Thank you. The Project ends estimated in three years.
Becouse everything needs a end in my opinion. If we reach the goal to let the steemians wrote more comments, we have done our job. At this point the CC was no longer been "needed". Our next big hope is, the witnesses and steeminc works for a solution without a zentralised system like ours. If the been waked up with this project.
Thank you for your nice comment.
Have a good day.

good move, i bought 100 of these the other day

[@alucian] Thank you very much and have a lot of fun with unsing the #CC.
Have a nice day.

Maybe this is the right way. According to the token strategy of steemleo, burning tokens is on of the most important things for a healthy token economy.

[@alucian] Yes, steemleo is burnig too. We do that, to show this Coin should get a worth and with the time a good price too.
Thank you for your interessting.

Ich sehe schon die Schlagzeilen der investigativ tätigen Steem-Illu vor mir:

Kann man Münzen wirklich verbrennen??
Werden die nicht nur eingeschmolzen?

Einer der Beteiligten soll sich ja ein Anwesen in Paraguay zugelegt haben!

Wir sprachen bereits mit der zukünftigen Nachbarin!

Was steckt dahinter?
Wir bleiben dran!!

[@alucian] Man kann mit genügend Hitze so ziemlich alles verbrennen. :-) Auch Münzen. Die @STEEMillu leidet ein wenig darunter, das ich mich hier so rein hänge. Aber das ist immer der Anfang. Wenn es mal läuft, wird das besser.

Das Anwesen in Paraguay ist nötig für diesen jemand und für uns. Wie sonst sollen wir vor der Steuer fliehen können? :-)
Bleibt dran und viel Spaß dabei. :-)

Liebe Grüße

loving what you do ...... :)

We're honored. :-) Thank you very much.
Have a nice day.

Ich finde euer Projekt klasse. Macht weiter so. Und Respekt für die viele Zeit die ihr investiert.
Gruß vom @bitandi

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Danke dir lieber bitandi. Man hört gerne, wenn die Arbeit gesehen wird.
Wir machen weiter. :-)
Liebe Grüße

I'm very curious to see how this project will develop... I understand that you've put a lot of effort and thought in your plan... but why kill it in 3 years time if successful? I guess I'll have to wait and see.... ☺ 👍

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[@alucian] We kill!!! :-) the Project, if it does his job.

Every Project, every thing in life should be have a end.

Now we did tell you all, that we do not forget this easy fact. If the CC Project done his job, we payout all Stakeholders, slow and transparent. In long therm, there should be nothing to loose.

We are two main leaders of the Project, everybody from us has the keys for more savety to you. And dont forget, three years can be a long time in the network. We hope that the witnesses work for a better solution in the steem itself, if they understand the CC project.

But pssst. :-) They should see this from itself. ;-)

Thank you for your nice comment. Have a good day.

Eine kleine Frage bzw. eine kleine Bitte.
Da viele der CC Nutzer sicher im Deutsch Sprachigem Sektor sind, könntet ihr da die Info Posts zweisprachig machen?
Würde z.B. mir Englisch-Muffel sehr helfen. :)

[@alucian] Ist schon erstaunlich, jetzt kommt es genau anders herum. Vorher haben die Nichtdeutschen Steemians nach einem verständlichem Englisch gefragt.^^ Ja ich werde daran denken so gut es geht. Andererseits, würde es auch bedeuten das die Artikel unübersichtlich werden. Ich muss das mal ausprobieren. Notfalls jagt man es durch den Übersetzter. :-)

Notfalls jagt man es durch den Übersetzter.

Mach ich ja, bin aber faul :D

Zwei Klicks. :-) Wir suchen übersetzter und Zeit, dann kommt alles in allen wichtigen Sprachen für euch. Aber so lange muss man sich noch gedulden. Wir werden fast überschlagen von der Nachfrage. :-)

Kein Stress. Einfach mal Chillen :D

Hab ich gemacht zweit Tage nun :-)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Am Ende vom Tunnel bleibt es dann also schwarz! :-) Also wie im Leben, man arbeitet immer aufs große Nichts hin. :o) Bis dahin wechseln ja noch viele commentcoins ihre Besitzer! Viel Erfolg und möge er nicht zu schnell eintreten. ;o)

[@alucian] Ein Project sollte wie alles im Leben einen Abschluss finden. :-) Ja es wäre unrealistisch oder zumindest unvernünftig es anders zu planen. Wir haben nicht vor uns daran zu bereichern. Die gehandelten Steem könnten dann zum Beispiel gleichmäßig an alle verteilt werden. Was das Ende angeht, wird es auch sicher nicht von jetzt auf gleich geschehen.
Danke für deine Wünsche. Wir haben noch viel zu tun. :-)
Liebe Grüße

I love your effort in engaging people to comment and talk things out. Thank you for this. Keep it up!

Have a pleasant day.

[@alucian] Thank you very much. The idea comes from my own acting "problem" on the Steem. With the time i have seen this Project can be a solution. You´re welcome.

Yes, definitely. 😊 Let's hope for the best! 😊😊

Hope can be a enemy and a friend, better for me we work for the best. THX. :-)

Love the CC tribe, I use it daily! great to see that you guys are looking ahead and working to improve the value for its holders. kudos

[@alucian] We are delighted and amazed at how many Steemians are interested in the CC Project. We do what we can and try to provide you with a framework to achieve this goal. Thank you for being there.

Keep it up!

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[@alucian] We do. ;-) Since 80 day´s today. :-)

I recently purchased 60 CC to reward my commentors and will continue to add to my holdings

[@alucian] Very nice from you. With the time we grow the limit to use the funktion, becouse we need a tool for fighting versuv the inflation. Hope you understand this. Have a nice day and welcome on the CC Project.

Yes, I can understand you need to find ways to regulate the supply. I think it would be good to partner with some of the current tribes like steemleo and see how you can work together to find a good way of getting interested and more use of your project

[@alucian] Yes, we do look for partners, but for the first time, we look for make the system better. All comes with time. :-)

Amazingly good project fellas!

[@alucian] Thank you very much, you are welcome. :-)

Wie man sieht, wird das Projekt zunehmend auch ausserhalb der deutschen Community bekannt! Nur weiter so!!

[@alucian] Das ist auch unser Eindruck und natürlich das angestrebte Ziel. So ziemlich fast jeder Steemian könnte ein Interesse an dem Projekt haben. Mal sehen wie weit wir kommen. Die Hoffnung das es erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden kann, lassen wir uns nicht nehmen. :-)
Liebe Grüße

I can see you put a lot of thought in to the "tokenomics" of the project and you are already seeing great support for such a new thing! Burning will really help too.

I do not really understand why you would aim to kill the project in three years? I think that may put people off as they will be worried that it is not a long term thing (3 years will come round very quickly!).
Just saying you are going to "kill" CC has a very negative vibe imo and I would reconsider promoting that as a "feature" of the system.

[@alucian] I gived all my knowledge in this project. Thank you for the compliment.

Every Project need a end, did you not think so? :-)

If we solved the comment problem, our project does his job.
If we do not solve the problem in three!!! years, Steemit Inc. the Withnesses and a lot of Steemians don´t understand it and dont work for a better possibility.

The CC is not for longer than this time planed. All we do work for end this project with the arrived goal. We pay out everybody in steem and all is good.

But let us see how it works. ;-)


(We need some negative words and moments, becouse we are not perfect:-)

It's the first time I have seen a new project talk about having an end! I think people will soon revert back to not commenting without an incentive. I believe you could run this forever! :-)

[@alucian] Yes, we can do that. :-) Let us see, how its come, than talk about it later again. :-) Salve

Sounds great. Count me in !

Thank you, let us see you stay in too. ;-)

I think it is a nice initiative! Hope cc will be a SMT soooon

[@alucian] The CC Project goes with the SMT´s. BUT fist we want to see them and would know all is ready for them. We planned July 2020 for the Start of the CC-Project on a SMT Chain. If the witnesses and developers of steem do their work how they say.
Thank you for your interesting.
Have a nice Day.

Ok good to hear. Have a great future

[@wakeupkitty] thank you, we wish you the same.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I really hope the CommentCoin project will succeed. We need more non-bot engagement!

[@alucian] Your CC runs one some Bots too. But we want to reward the real workers... the humans. Salve and Thank you for beeing a part of this Project.

Your CC runs one some Bots too

Yes I know. :)

Hey @commentcoin :-) Ich habe diesen Post ehrlich gesagt gar nicht gelesen und auch noch nicht so 100%ig verstanden wie du funktionierst :-D Trotzdem kommt man an dir ja nicht so richtig vorbei und ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, du bist und wirst hier in Zukunft eine ziemlich große Nummer auf dem Steem. Toi toi toi! Warum ich dich also anquatsche?! Weil ich glaube, dass du ne super Sache bist und gute Chancen hast dich auch international zu etablieren. Nähern wir uns meinem kleinen Anliegen ;-) Also, es geht mir eigentlich nur um folgende Zeile in deinem Setting "This Project help the Steem to get more Comments." Mach "This project helps the Steem to get more comments." draus und du bist etwas perfekter als vorher ;-) LG Hanna

[@alucian] Hallo Hanna. :-) :-)

Eine Korrektur. :-) Schönheitsfehler habe ich [#CC] genug auch ohne Drang perfekt zu sein. Priorität ist erstmal euch zu antworten, wenn ihr mit dem CC redet. Wie und warum das mit Fehlern passiert, ist für mich absolut akzeptabel, so lange die wichtigeren Dinge passieren. Anschließend werden wir schön wie ein Schmetterling und eines Tages muss auch dieser sterben.

Das du uns noch nicht verstehst ist eben eine Frage der Zeit. Übersetzte dir mal den Artikel von dem chinesischem Nutzer den ich auf meinem ACC resteemt habe. ;-)

Liebe Grüße

  ·  5 years ago 

How do you judge whether we are a robot or a human?
The correctness of this judgment, can do it?

@cloudblade As far as I understood you can still greet or wish a great day. Some personal text needs to be added to it which makes the difference. Greetings @wakeupkitty

  ·  5 years ago 

After 3 years,
Means to stop producing new coins,
So say cc would end,
But the old CC coins still exist.

my suggestion is,
At that time,
CC can be used at "like",
Send CC to an account,
Will get the praise of this account.

@alucian Deine Meinung word her gefragt. LG @wakeupkitty

I'm brand new to the entire CC thing; is there any newbie guide anywhere?

@matthiasklein No there is not it you can have a look at wakeupkitty.pal at the tips.

In short:Buy comment on or earn them by commenting on posts with the #cc tag.
100 coin = using the tag once.
You need some extra to activate our bot so we reward your commenters.

No call, no need to stake the commentcoin Greetings @wakeupkitty