What does CCC mean to me?

in ccc •  5 years ago 

This is my post for What does #ccc Mean to Me? hosted by @wakeupkitty

Being from a small fishing community always meant that when someone passed or if they fell ill and could not work, the fishermen would donate fish and the means to cook them. Others in the community would donate things like paper plates, spoons, forks, and napkins. The Church ladies would cook things. Restaurants would donate food, the small business would donate items to be auctioned. Bands would play for free. There was a keg of beer for you to buy a cup of. 100% of the money raised went to the person in need.

As the community grows there are fewer and fewer of these gatherings. I am wondering why this is. Is it because there are fewer and fewer fishermen to pull this together? The fishermen can donate the fish and cook them but it takes the community to pull it all together. Or is it because all these new people could care less about the community? You did not need to be a fisherman for the fishermen to rally around you and raise money for your cause, you just had to be in need.

Caring about one another was always the top priority, but that is gone. These same people now blast websites like FB stating that this is their home and how much they care about it and their neighbors, but when it comes down to helping someone they think a few kind words on social media is enough.

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@commentcoin thank you

It's called a change of values.. happens with every generation

Creative common ?

Now days everyone is busy in their own life .... And this may be the reason that we are lacking in human emotions.....

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @myjob. This contest is now hosted by @team-ccc. Leave your link there if you not already did (cannot check it out I follow the #cc tag at the moment).

My thoughts about this... The bigger the community/society the more anonymous you are. Those who cared can no longer do the caring alone and quiet. No one takes over and the members have to take care for themselves. Perhaps a new caring person will arise and wake up the rest, organize and ask for money to help the one in need. If not the members only show up at a party if there is free food or something to win or if they are in need themselves.
You cannot be close if you are with a big group.

You have my vote, pity the fishersociety ended this way. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

@wakeupkitty I have been using the ccc and cc tags, am I suppose to only use 1 of them? I think you are telling me you no longer host the ccc contest that @team-ccc are the hosts for it so I should use there name not yours. what I am confused at is you say you only follow #cc can I still use both tags?

@myjob of course you can use both tags. I use both too.

Not much has changed. Both contests are still there, both use the #cc tag so you receice commentcoin if you comment.

On.each post you use the #ccc tag @team-ccc will give you an upvote too.

I just meant to.say I am not hosting the contest but @team-ccc does. ❤️

@wakeupkitty I understand now that you said it differently. Now I use @team-ccc for hosting #ccc. thank you for explaining.

@myjob You are welcome. Sorry for not explaining it well and the confusion. ❤️

@wakeupkitty no worries

I like how you see CCC and thats exactly how it should be!

@nanp thank you, yes I agree with you.