what I don't get, is how did the japanese became so supremacists and genocidists? was it the foreigners who incitate them to adopt the judaic ways or they were simply like that?

in cctv4 •  6 years ago 

So finally I get it... Chinese colonial slave system explain the closeness of japan with the americans and their handlers...

I was searching... now I see...

still in the supremacists plug in...


very well...

I don't know, I hoped and wrongly believed that a peaceful path was possible, now, I understand, there is only war, and a real pass over japan...

not to achieve "victory"...

I don't understand this word in this context.

not about surrender, or capitulation.

now it's about teaching.


Q: when was the last time the Koreans attacked China? I am not seeking trouble or problem as at least from my current understanding this border seems very stable along a river...

I mean, that I firmly believe that as much as I respect and fear the north koreans in their north korea, I have the beliefs too, that they understand that their limits is as respected by China as it is by them.

and this is what the japanese breached.

I didn't understood how deeply offensive it was.

what I don't get, is how did the japanese became so supremacists and genocidists? was it the foreigners who incitate them to adopt the judaic ways or they were simply like that?

What's funny, is that I don't know... but it's interesting, and sadly, the western propaganda operations, lack awarness in all domains (they are all so low iq...)

yes ms brunnet, I believe you are fucking stupid... more than a goat... and way way more than a donkey... you are too me so king of beast... not powerful, more like insects... but vicious... bad apes.

ohh nnnoooo !!! :D. what the fuck !

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