I am about to take off from the Airport on the first day of mask mandate-free flying. I roughly estimate that the ratio of masked to unmasked people is about 50-50. The latter include many airline employees and even a few TSA personnel. And this is just the first day - some people may still be confused about the rules, and may fear punishment for unmasking (not realizing the change). I would add this is in the deep-blue DC area. Few people here are abjuring masks because they love Trump or Ron DeSantis (I certainly don’t!).
Meanwhile, Uber, Lyft and nearly all major airlines have taken the opportunity to abolish mask mandates. This is in sharp contrast to what they did in pre-vaccine days, when they imposed masking well before the federal government did.
All of this suggests mask enthusiasts may have underestimated the pain and discomfort caused by masking and the extent of opposition to it. But I should note it’s early yet. So perhaps things will change.
I also emphasize none of this proves yesterday’s court decision was correct. I have serious reservations about it. Should the Biden administration appeal (not yet clear if they will), they might well win. They could also ask the appellate court to stay the district judge’s ruling (preventing it from going into effect while the court of appeals reviews it).
I think they have at least even odds of getting a stay if they ask for it. But until then, I will enjoy the newly regained freedom!