How to Talk to Real Interdimensional Beings/Fantasy Realm Beings

in ce-5 •  6 years ago 

Open your heart you have to want the experiance .
Can simply be in your dreamspace as those realms are real.
or you can choose to telepathicly know u will and can have commincation with beings.

all things exist more things exist then you or i have ever seen individually in any and all of your fantasies ,stories and shows or entire life.
Even beings we havve little to no concept of at all or any legends even.
Granted that dosen't mean any of them will control you if they do you're agreeing to that on whatever level.
Besides there literally you anyways so anything they understand they can do you can and do in whatever what you can imagine because we are infinte.
Example ( flying winged bi-pedial humanoid looking being) visiting your house even if u dont see it and healing a plant you asked to have healed. you still have 2 beleive you and all of us believe in the reality we are creating and our in because we literally fucking are it amasing yes!
also note in higher frequency realms there is less and less of this things have to fit inside of container of understand because we literally the so called paranormally normal experiances and beings there all us to!
Fucking magical yes!
Like gender many majority of so called humans on earth have already lived as both so called genders or 3 or some even be gender shapeshifters or interstelllar travelling awareness being. - like a so called being.
its cool & good to understand everything/everyone is you and part of you actually.
Even though it may feel or sound confusing just because your not sure what realm you want to choose to experiance !
Dosen't matter all are true and any experiance has value and adds to the infinte all!

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