Gal Gadot Goes Off on Rachel Zegler For Destroying the Snow White Movie!?

in celebrities •  9 months ago 

galado has evidently distanced herself
from Rachel zagler and her attitude
toward the Snow White movie she has
subtly conveyed her stance in several
interviews opting to deflect and not
engage with Ziggler's commentary I was
scared of the original cartoon I think I
watched it once and then I never picked
it up again she's not going to be safe
for The Prince and she's not going to be
dreaming about true love she's dreaming
about becoming the leader she knows she
can be the original cartoon came out in
1937 and very evidently so there is a
big Focus on her love story with a guy
who literally stalks her while Rachel
zegler openly criticizes the original
story gdau has taken a different path
choosing not to entertain or acknowledge
Ziggler's remarks we know that Ziggler
has been outspoken about her opinions on
the movie disparaging the old version
and its themes she contends that the
love story lacks relevance and is
unnecessary further labeling Snow
White's character as
outdated Rachel has injected political
overtones in into discussions about the
movie by consistently criticizing the
original film emphasizing feminist
perspectives and highlighting Disney's
alterations to the plot this approach
has left many fans dissatisfied
perceiving her as displaying a sense of
entitlement Rachel's portrayal suggests
that her version is the only correct one
implying that the movie's success hinges
solely on its political context not only
did she disparage the movie's original
Legacy but she also seemed seemingly
undermined her co-star Andrew's
significance to the film despite his
role as one of the main characters in
contrast galado has taken a markedly
different position making it evident
that she does not necessarily align with
Rachel's rhetoric concerning the movie
Rachel has faced considerable online
criticism due to her perspectives yet
galado has refrained from commenting or
defending Rachel against this negativity
this Silence from gdau suggests a
potential alignment with those critical
comments G do seems to perceive the
movie differently focusing Less on any
political agenda in her interviews
discussing the movie and her character
she noticeably steers clear of political
topics her primary remark about the film
revolves around its modernized appeal to
contemporary audiences deliberately
sidestepping any controversial elements
many fans interpret gd's deliberate
avoidance of Rachel's views and
statements as an effort to distance
herself emphasizing gd's clear
disagreement or Divergence from Rachel's
sentiments consistently expressed in her
interviews gal appears to have allowed
Rachel to take the lead in discussing
the movie's
modernization while gal herself tends to
focus more on her character and her
experiences during filming even when the
discussions aren't negative Rachel tends
to be the one commenting on the plot
changes while gal directs her attention
toward her role and behind the scenes
experiences Rachel has brought this
contrast in approach to social media
often addressing negativity on social
media platforms related to her Snow
White role she engages in arguments with
fans and frequently introduces political
elements into her online discussions gal
on the other hand seems to have quickly
learned to avoid such conflicts
consciously refraining from engaging in
similar discussions to sidestep online
conflicts it appears that gal has
mastered The Art of Keeping personal
opinions to herself to evade getting
drawn into online confrontations a skill
that Rachel seems yet to fully embrace
while Rachel consistently faces backlash
and is likely to continue encountering
it gal has received minimal comments or
criticism despite being her co-star it's
evident that Rachel's attitude
exacerbates the situation prompting gal
to take a completely different approach
to avoid such scrutiny gal's decision to
let Rachel handle the controversial
discussions might also stem from her
distinct stance on movies featuring
powerful women in the past gal has
expressed reservations about this new
portrayal mentioning in her discomfort

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