The fault in our generation? "Celebrity Lifestyle"

in celebrity •  7 years ago 

The 21st century what an exciting and adventurous time to be alive, with technology on the boom constantly advancing and the development of everything reaching places some of us never expected to see in our lives!

I'm a 20 year old entrepreneur who sees a big fault in my generation and I'm pointing it at the famous "SOCIAL MEDIA"!
We live in a time where social media is thriving, people have more of an emotional attachment with their social media reputation and life than they actually have for their real life and if that doesn't already tell you something then I don't know what will..

Social media has made communicating across the world possible in a matter of seconds and has opened up thousands of doors to great opportunities, but like everything with pros there has got to be cons right? Well since we here to talk about why I feel social media has faulted my generation I'm going to skip past all the pros and cons and focus on my point and my opinion.

My generation LIVES off of social media, from posting photos, status updates, checking themselves in and so much more.. They have this craving to live "another" life online, to impress people that don't care and get attention from people no better than themselves. I like to bring this all to the "Celebrity Lifestyle", with social media impacting my generation so much and playing such a big role in it we've all been introduced to the high life, where we see all the fancy cars, big houses and massive parties and this is where the majority of the generations focus is currently at. Don't get me wrong there's absolutely nothing wrong with living that lifestyle, you get to choose the way you wish to live. The problem comes in where we all want to live this lifestyle and just have it now, and social media only shows us the good, fun parts of these celebrity figures, we don't see how hard it will be to upkeep and maintain these lifestyles and how hard it is to actually achieve these things in life.

So this has now leads my generation to doing exactly the opposite of what they should be doing, they are running away from the goal posts with the ball and then one day they going to realise that now they so far away from the goal posts that there's no purpose for them having that ball anymore its achieved them nothing. I say that in the sense of them not thinking about the future just caring about the now and if they have the latest trends and styles that the celebrities are going crazy about, and you can speak to them all and they going to tell you about the massive houses and fancy cars they plan on having one day, but there's one simple question you can ask these people, "what is it that you're busy doing now to ensure those goals one day?", you're going to see a lot of blank faces when you ask that question..

Our generation needs to wake up to the facts as early as possible as the longer it takes the harder they going to take it, we're in our prime years where most of us should be taking the risks and pursuing our dreams while we still young and can afford to risk it, we don't have dependants relying on us, so if we screw up and lose it all it doesn't matter its only you that you need to look after and you can develop yourself and focus on such great levels that you might never know about if you don't do it now!

We need less arrogance and more development, people are so caught up on this fake image they holding for themselves now but in 10 years time what you going to do when everybody then sees that your whole life was a lie? you fall into depression and drag along with your life? continue making excuses? YOU HAVE THE CHOICE!

We all have different circumstances and situations that we're put into but that doesn't matter at the end of the day we get to determine our future and that is all based off of what we do today. Stop making excuses and start finding reasons why. I'm so disappointed in my generation, I even opened my doors to young entrepreneurs offering to fund them and get them on their feet and I got hundreds of messages, but they expected that they were just going to brief me orally and wam bam thank you mam? ARE YOU SERIOUS?? I've had as little as two people present to me properly over the time period of 3 months.

Get off your favourite celebrities pages and start building your life, your empire and accept that things take time and patience. Success is born inside all of us, its just about actually making the moves not just thinking of them, put your plans into action and take control of your life!

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