Although there are real teddy bears, this adorable animal is a marsupial that has nothing to do with bears. The females carry their newborn offspring in the marsupial bag for approximately six months.

There is a misconception that koalas are "drugged" with eucalyptus leaves, and that is why they sleep a lot. This myth arose possibly as a way to explain why koalas sleep up to 22 hours a day.

Something curious
The koala is very susceptible to a wide variety of diseases in nature. This has caused a significant reduction in its population. They can have diseases that cause sterility or other problems that allow the development of large amounts of fluid in the lungs and that can get lost in their vision, which makes it difficult to move.
They are called Bears?
Koalas are not bears, however, this is a name that receives many times due to its physical characteristics. Their bodies are covered with very thick hairs, including the ears, they have nails in their fingers and opposite thumbs. Many agree that it is boring to look at the koalas, they are animals that do not do much with their time. They usually rest or sleep about 18 hours a day, eat for almost 5 hours and the remaining hour are dedicated to their own toilet.
How interesting is the life of a koala, A life that would like to be or be human.
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