DailyCelestialChallenge Friday-Love Beauty Freedom

in celestialchallenge •  7 years ago 

Hello steemians, I am glad to see day? It’s a new day, which means we are going to be having a new episode for today’s #celestialchallenge initiated by mentor @sirknight.

For today theme: love beauty and freedom would be referenced to the HOLY BIBLE.

What is Love:

To me love is unconditional, love know no hate, love is patient, love is pure, love is affectionate and Jesus is Love.


John 3:16 :- For God so love the world that he giveth his only begotten son, that who so ever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life.

What love is greater than this for a man to lay down his life for his friends......true love speaketh no lies.

What is Beauty

Jesus is the perfection of beauty....he has created man in his own beauty and has poured out his beauty to the world.... The beauty of Christ is in you, and as Christians it is expected of you to let the light of salvation shine so bright in our little corner.

The world was beautifully created.....the animals, the tress and the nature tells of his greatness....beauty is found in his word.

What is Freedom

Freedom is the act of breaking, losing or setting free from sin, bondage, slavery and attacks ....and Jesus has paid the ultimate price and has bought our freedom on the cross.

Jesus has given us liberty and has redeemed our soul from hell and destruction.
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In conclusion, Jesus is the main theme of this post "Love Beauty and freedom"... He has paid it all for you and I, he die that you might live, he suffered so that you would not ever have a reason to suffer pain.

God's love to humanity is unconditional....he loved his enemies and prayed for those that cures him....... Preach the message of salvation today and tell of the wonderful work of Jesus.... DO NOT LET HIS Death BE IN VEIN.

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Great post and a good sense of humor @bniode :)
