People have always thought in terms of abstract or conceptual opposites. God and the devil, life and death, pleasure and pain, good and evil, yin and yang. Some people see life as an unending battle between darkness and light. Some hope that light can win. Some others decide on the dark side.
As children of God and we must know that light never has the need to fear the shadows or to long for death or destruction. The true light does not know the opposite, it is Jesus.
Use the appearance of darkness to remember the ever-present source of light that you are, in Christ.
Look, it does not happen that the light that is in you is darkness. So, if your whole body is full of light, having no part of darkness, it will be all luminous, as when a lamp shines on you with its radiance. (Luke 11: 35-36)
We must be understood as children of God, that we can not serve two masters. Neither serve light and darkness, sin and justice, self and God. Light is in us, but this world is surrounded by darkness.
From the beginning, God, I separate the light from the darkness. Our world is a world in darkness. Our carnal minds are still a theater of darkness. In a world of options, we must opt for light. That is why Jesus taught that we must have determination and be of one purpose if we want to become fully mature children of light.
He said: "The lamp of the body is the eye; When your eye is good, also your whole body is full of light; But when your eye is evil, your body is also in darkness "(Luke 11:34).
In this verse we see that depending on where we fix our gaze we will establish that our body can be in darkness or in light, if it is looking towards the earthly, it is darkness and if it is pointing towards the sky in the things of God is heavenly.
Let us stand firm in the word of God and our gaze will always bear witness to us, we will be the light in the world and the darkness will disappear.
God bless you