DailyCelestialChallenge / Wednesday - Structures (houses in Israel)

in celestialchallenge •  7 years ago 

Hello, friends Steemitanos, this is my entry to #DailyCelestialChalestge, organized by @sirknight.

Let's see what the structure of the houses in Israel in the 1st century really was like.


The modest houses were cane or adobe bricks, kneaded with the feet and cooked in the sun. The walls were covered with lime. Job, referring to this class of dwellings, says: "houses of clay" (Job 4: 9).
Generally the houses have no other floor than that of the same land that is paired and flattened, until it is solid. Sometimes a mixture of lime is made with mud and leaving it some time to dry and harden. Sometimes it has found flaked stone floors joined with lime.

The simple houses presented the appearance of a large square box composed only of a ground floor divided into two, sometimes by a difference in level: the highest part served as dining room and bedroom; the lower part as a stable. When the animals were in the field, the lower part was used as a workshop.


They were covered by a roof made of beams crisscrossed with branches, and all this covered with mud rammed, then passing over it a stone roller, which remains on the roof to be used several times to tamp the roof, we can relate this to the miracle of the paralytic who goes down the roof, Mc 2, 1-12).

The set had to be consolidated every year before the rainy season. It was surrounded by a parapet and provided, with stretches in the old houses to allow rainwater to drain, and to prevent the fall of some person. The Law of Moses is very defined when ordering the construction of the mentioned parapet. The regulation says: "When you build a new house, you shall make your roof a parapet, so that you do not put blood on your house if someone falls from it" (Deuteronomy 22: 8). And the roof had an external staircase.

The roof was used to take air, sleep in the hot season, dry the vegetables, ripen the fruit and pray (Ac 10,9).

Thanks to @sirknight for the #celestialchallenge.
• Sunday - Light
• Monday - Darkness
• Tuesday - Animal Kingdom
• Wednesday - Structures
• Thursday - Forces in Nature
• Friday - LoveBeauty Freedom
• Saturday - Agriculture

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Hermosas casas de esos tiempos friend.

What a great post Guada1. Informative and interesting. Love the focus on biblical references here associated with the Israeli house construction.


Muy interesante tu publicación Dios le da el Don a los seres humanos para construir su viviendas, aunque no todos tienen la dicha de construirlas ya que optan en comprarlas hechas en mi opinión, creo que la casas de barros son las mejores que pueden existir ya que son resistente a los temblores y son muy fresca por dentro

very good post friend

I liked friend @guada1

Este tipo de casa son muy usadas aquí en venezuela , sobre todo en el campo ,las arman con varas o guasguas , luego le colocan barro con paja para embarrar , algunas luego de terminarlas las frisan con cemento y otros la dejan asi , es cuestion de gustos , son casas muy bonitas y resistentes!