Dailycelestialchallenge Friday-Signs Of Poverty And How To Get Free


Hello Steemians and welcome to today's #celestialchallenge by the only Knight I know of in blockchain @Sirknight. However on today's celestial challenge tagged "Love, Beauty and Freedom, I will quickly talk about the signs of poverty and how to break free. If you are not too busy, then Join me right away.

Signs Of Poverty And How To Break Free

Freedom is always our overall target. If we are sick, we think of freedom by praying to God for healing.If we are facing oppression we pray to God for freedom from oppression. When we are passing through a setback we pray to God to give us freedom to progress. If we are facing lack and want(poverty), we pray to God to free us from this embargo.

Poverty is not the right of anyone who is In Christ. There are certain times when we pass through a very difficult period and we begin to blame people as well as even God to a certain extent. However, if you have spiritual authority, then you should be able to jump out of that situation.

Likewise, some people are in serious bondage of high calibre poverty but are not aware because they have seemingly be blindfolded by devil thinking their wealth is for them alone. Anyone who has and does not contribute to the growth of his/her society is poor. Take Sirknight for Instance who knew from the onset that of you are a minnow, you are simply a nobody on the steemit blockchain and of course, a burden. Then he was able to ingeniously bring to existence "The Celestial Challenge" to feed the minnows in the community. In that way, minnows who pay attention to quality and have not been recognized could now get recognition. Now that's more riches for Sir Knight.

Having said much, we will quickly see some signs of poverty and how to break free from them right away.

Firstly, when you engage in the habit of attacking people who spend their money. Funny enough, money is actually meant to be spent doing a lot of things. You can give to the poor, you can give to the kingdom of God for the advancement of the Gospel, you can use it to buy a house, you can use it to buy a car and whatever pleases you. Of course before I forget you can use it to feed the minnows like SirKnight does. Therefore when you catch yourself displaying this habit of lambasting people of how they spend their money, it is a great sign that you are poor.

Secondly, every man that works need to be paid and if you are working like a giant and earning like an ant, then you don't need to argue the fact that the spirit of poverty is close.

Thirdly, when you have been lacking for a very long time and nothing good seems to be coming forth. I will explain this with this post by Sirknight about brother About who was able to accomplish his dreams of feeding his village with fish by joining Steemit. For a long time, he had the dream but it was of course short lived because of finances. However, God of provision stepped in when he joined steemit. Read the post in the link below. If you have plans and nothing good is coming forth, then the spirit of poverty is loitering around.

Fourthly, you are poor when you have but don't reward others for their labour. Like I have earlier stressed that having money doesn't mean you are rich. The world is plagued with a lot of wicked people who sit at the top and use others to labour without paying them for their works. If you are among those that accrued their wealth through this means, it means you are poor and it won't last long.

Fifthly, if you don't respond to God's directive on giving by paying your tithes and offerings then you are poor or rather should I say the spirit of poverty is just hanging around the corner. For a while before Sir Knight asked that we stop giving offering and donations to the steemchurch, some members of the church have never for once given to the church for it's growth and that only means you won't really grow.

Lastly, if you see yourself making wrong decisions, then you are poor. Wrong decisions here could be wrong financial decisions or other investments. For example, some people here knows steemit have not been making right decisions. Like Sirknight once said in his post that he invested in steem since when it was even less than $0.05 especially when others weren't. He saw the future of steem and invested and today all minnows including me have been enjoying from it. if you have not started investing In strength right now, then you are making a wrong choice.

How To Break Free From Poverty

Like I have stressed from the beginning, poverty is never our calling and it is not even our right at all. But then when we find ourselves in such a situation of lack and want, what do we do?. Oh yeah, we have to break free..... We have to leave our comfort zone and break off from the chains of poverty using the scriptures and the power In His word. In Duetronomy 28 Vs 11-13, it says;

And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you.
The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.
And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them

Have you seen the promises of God through His word? Are you ready to take take the bull by the horn and jump out of poverty through wonder working power in the word of God? See also 1 Corinthians 2 Vs 9 which says;

But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.'

The good and abundant steemsilvergold that God has in stock for you are numerous and you can only tap into them today by holding on to His word. Likewise in psalm 51 Vs 12, the Bible says;

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit“

God is a generous father and He gives to us anytime we ask of Him of anything. Therefore depend on Him alone and your blessings will be abundant.


Poverty is a demonic spirit that tends to strip you of all the blessings and promises of God. A common myth is that when you are poor you will make heaven because you will not be distracted by the affairs of this world. That is a very wrong perception. Today take your stand and fight the good fight of faith by holding on to God's word. His promises are everlasting.


Make Good Financial Investments/Decisions today Like Investing In STEEM today

Join us In Our Crusade For Freedom Today By Joining Steemchurch


That's all I can take on today's celestial challenge. Thanks to @SirKnight For The Opportunity.

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In God's words he said that he will provide for us according to his riches in glory, So as God still exist poverty is not for his children. God bless

Yeah bro
We are born rich and we will be rich both know earth and in heaven

Silver and gold is his.
No room for poverty sir
This is a well written message

Thanks boss

Nice write bro, I pray many people come across this,and soon enough poverty will be history

Sure mate
Its a word for everybody

God said in His city of Zion there is no poverty, sickness or whatever, but have we asked why Christians do suffer nowadays, because they don't obey the will of God

Obedience to the will of God is paramount
Thanks for the addition

love the post and yeah will all will have to out of this circle of poverty


Well said owoblow-steemit , if you are oppressed by poverty is because you are serving God giving what corresponds as a child ,the obedience unleashes the blessing of heaven on our lives