DailyCelestialChallenge Saturday- Ways In which Africa Can Boost Farm Growth.

Hello Steemians and welcome to today's #celestialchallenge by the only and most generous Knight of the blockchain @SirKnight. However, on today's #celestialchallenge with the theme "Agriculture", I will concentrate on the topic titled "Ways In Which African Can Boost Farm Growth.

Following the exposition by Sirknight in one of his recent article titled "Steem Will Feed The World; One Small Farm At A Time" it is very important that we all in ione voice embrace this kind of ingenious move by the Knight and his apostle @brother Abiye who have been working tirelessly to accomplish a project to emcourage more of it everywhere until steem begins feeding the world. Trust me when I say it won't be long.

Nonetheless, I will quickly talk about the ways in which Africa can boost farm growth in today's #celestialchallenge.

Ways In Which Africa Can Boost Farm Growth

Agricultural growth in Africa has never been as same as those of other developed nations in the world. In other words, we could easily say to a very large extent that Africa is behind in terms Agricultural growth and progress. This is what has prompted me to write this article on today's #celestialchallenge so that African's can be empowered with knowledge on how to increase farm growth as well as their produce.

Firstly, I have discovered that Africans can be very serious to a large extent when it comes to farming as they have come to understand that Agriculture is the future. However, government regulations and access to the market has never been favorable. At times, the government like in Nigeria concentrate on oil and pay deaf ears to other sectors of the economy. Therefore, you will discover that that farmers living in the rural areas have bad roads to tackle with before being able to bring their goods to the limelight. This has been one of Africa's major problems and if the Government refuses to do anything about this ie work on all the roads linking farms to the markets, this problem may still persist.

Secondly, there is great need for Africa to develop high yield crops as there are several technologies in place already to ensure that this is achieved. It is important to note that Africa has a very UNIQUE soil. By Unique I mean we have good soil for planting. Almost any crop thrives on African Soil. However, so that we can get more output when we plant, it is expedient that research is carried out on the land or soil to determine or ascertain the best crop that will perform optimally under the given conditions.

Thirdly, there is also great need to encourage irrigation on the farms across Africa. The truth of the matter is that we most African farmers only plant during the rainy season and eventually relax out the dry seasons. This will tell on our productivity. Therefore, there is great need to encourage irrigation on farms so that year in year out, season in season out, crops will be continually produced for the ever increasing population.

Fourthly, there is also high need for African farmers to apply the use of Information Technology. Whether we like it or yes, the world we are right now has advanced technologically and Africa has to keep the trend if anything good is to come out from it or else, we will be left in the shadows for av very long time. Information technology will provide answers to many questions we have on the farm and this will increase productivity.

Fifthly, Africans should encourage the use of GM called genetically modified crops as they have far great advanatages and reduce wastage as well as save losses. Geneetically modified crops are known to be more resistant to pest and diseases. Once those kind of crops are found on the soil of Africans, there will be a whole lot of progress in farming as farm growth and produce will increase astronomically.

Lastly, there is need to encourage use of fertilizers to increase crop yield. Of course you also know that as the land used for farming is continuosly used, Crops produced on the land deplenishes in quality and production. However once fertilizers are used on the farm, it helps provides fresh nutrients for the crops. However, the Government has a very huge role to play if this is anyway going to be a successful endearvour. Governement should organize training for local farmers as well as provide fertilizers to the local farmers to enable them to understand the amount of fertiizers to apply on the land as well as and the best time to.


These are some of the ways in which we can boost farm growth and productivity in Africa.
I believe this article was helpful
Please let me know what you think about in the comment box.
Thanks to SirKnight for the privilege to share this article.

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My friend, this is a very important issue and your ideas to promote the agriculture of your town is great, I congratulate you once again for your incredible publications.

Thanks Xioran
I am very glad SirKnight and Apostle Abiye have begun a movement right here from steemchurch and celestial challenge
Soon steem will feed the world.


The green gold yet to be mined!

It's such a pity that the government in most African countries like Nigeria pay little attention to agriculture when it is the most essential industry. If the government can match the effort of some farmers, then will there be room for a big improvement in the agricultural sector.

I sometimes wonder why our present generation has neglected what our fathers has passed on to us, for we to develop it better. Post of life my mentor @ owoblow-steemit.

yu are going good promotion agriculture keep it up

Good publication

Congratulations good publication