In horses, the reproductive stage usually begins with puberty, which occurs in females between 15 and 24 months of age, while in males it usually appears at an earlier age since it usually develops between 14 and 18 months, this time is very important for horses because not only is the process focused on mating, but it is also fundamental in healthy development and the subsequent performance of the animal.
The process is much more complex since in the reproduction artisan, not in the insemination there are stages that the horses and the mares perform and that are necessary to be able to achieve the mating, since previously there must be a moment of courtship, where the mare plays while the male is dominating until at a point the mare completely shows its delivery and it is at that moment in which mating takes place.
The menstrual cycle in the mares depends on the period, since the mares are seasonal poliestricas animals, having their monthly cycle of a duration of 21 days, having their estrus with a duration of scarce 5 days for which it is necessary to be very pending, if We are waiting to generate breeding horses, even experts say that the best time for the male to mount is between 12 and 36 hours from the beginning of the heat since it is the time when the mare is ovulating so the chances of getting the mare pregnant are very high.