Setting new priorities
Last update I've setup the following goals:
- Hope for new community funding to keep the bot running and provide liquidity to all pairs.
- Get account into profit and reduce spreads even further.
- Keep improving bot workings
There has been little to no increase in funding through CELT sales, there has even been a decrease due to cashing out, so there was no extra funding to port to the bot. I've watched the bot overextending itself trying to minimise spreads to the point of 0.2%. draining liquidity out of it. This was not sustainable, the bot was canibalising itself in order to close the spreads. The good thing is though, it is possible to reduce spread on all pairs. I've had to disable fiat pairs cause they drained an immense amount of funds. So now we're going to focus on the goals ahead.
Getting the bot into profitabillity
While this is a community service bot, no one gains by the bot losing money. The solution towards profitabillity also solves the reserve liquidity problem: The bot needs to trade with bigger spreads.
At time of writing a solution is being coded to detect the amount of btc and eth the bot has in reserve and allow the bot to reduce spread according to how many reserve it has:
Big reserve => small spreads
Low reserve => big spreads
Getting a whale to help out
I've had contact with a COSS whale and asked to buy CELT tokens to provide liquidity to pairs to improve the whales fsa. Long story short, whale didn't want to buy the token but wanted to help by buying a copy of the bot and running it on the account to accumulate some crypto. I agreed as this would remove liquidity stress from the CELT community funds and allows an influx of indirect funds reducing spreads on COSS.
Roadmap: CELT goals ahead
Stil the same:
- Hope for new community funding to keep the bot running and provide liquidity to all pairs.
- Get account into profit and reduce spreads even further.
- Keep improving bot workings
CELT price still increases each week
New exchange rate will be 996 CELT for 1 ETH instead of 997 CELT for 1 eth.
This week's update is a short one for my time was limited this week.
Thank you for supporting this project
Be it by reading, upvoting, spreading the word and buying or owning CELT to improve liquidity on COSS.
Spielley, here to help and improve the COSS exchange experience.
Get your CELT through this site if you've got metamask setup:
(double check contract adress is 0x35f06858577b526a9351C6d42c89748281b6FE30)
or read the tutorial from the launch post: