Cemetery Photo's

in cemeteryphotos •  7 years ago 


We visited Hamer Cemetery while at Spring Mill State Park. It is a Pioneer graveyard and many of the earliest graves are left unmarked.

In the 1800's graveyards were put on high ground to avoid flooding and also to place their loved ones closer to God.

As you will see in the photographs below, some of the graves are so old that you can not read them anymore.







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About Grave, seeing of the Immortality life ever after. Grave about the people who rest in peace.

I can say this grave yard has very peaceful surroundings.

I'll say that again. :)

I didn't know that was the reason for the high ground burial sites....very reasonable....keep away from floods. I've seen floating caskets (on the news) ....not too nice. But the part about being closer to God is kind of endearing.

Nice post @debralee.

I didn't either. I found most of the information there on site. I tried looking up Pioneer Graveyards but there is not a lot of information about them.


Oh I think you and I would have so much fun together. lol! You share a lot of my own interests.

I think we would too! :D


How cool! I love walking through the old cemeteries! These are some great photos Deb! I went to one recently with a purpose but I'm saving that story for a later date! ;)

I can't wait to see it when you are ready to reveal it to us. :D

You can tell those are very old grave markers!

Yeah, a few were really starting to crumble.

It's sad when beautiful old things start to wither away. I think recently in my home town we had a restoration specialist take interest in restoring some of the old grave markers in a cemetery. Maybe someone will take interest in doing that for those.

Good to remember where we came from.

I think so too.

wow looks like from a movie! :)

I did feel a bit like I was standing in the middle of history.

So much history and individuals with sad stories

I think I was most curious about the unnamed ones. I am sure they were the oldest but I suppose some may have also just been the poorest. They all have stories to tell though.

I see dead people :) at least names of those who died. That tombstone by LYNN seems to be new?

It did look like a newer headstone but it had 1800's dates.

I love cemetery like this, with head stones raised above the ground! It is more interesting, fascinating and characters to the space. I often went around and read the head stones, date of birth and date of dead to see the relation of the two..They come close together..

I do too. I could tell Hubby didn't feel as comfortable as I did in it. The poor guy will follow me anywhere though. lol

I think they're with God anyway.

Yeah, all that is left is their history.

Really great photos, Deb! A lot of the pioneer cemeteries were built on high ground, so I knew it was to prevent flooding but I like that it put their loved ones closer to God. It is too bad that the names can't be read on some of the stones now. There must be a record somewhere of who is buried in those plots...

There could be on this particular one because the area had importance prior to it being a state park. I think it was due to a mill.

It's so different to our common graveyards here. I read old tombs, maybe some of them are already forgotten. The place might be an ideal place for star gazing, but you need to have a lot of guts to do it. ;)

I agree, I am not sure I'd want to be there past dark. lol