So quoting isn't liked here?

in censorcship •  6 years ago  (edited)

On my self-hosted blog and Facebook, I used to write full articles as well as link to the work of others. Whenever I posted a link, I would quote an essential part of it to show the reader that the article is worth reading. This is fully covered within Germany's quotation law and usually very appreciated by the author, as it shows others his article is worth reading while still sending readers to him. I appreciate others doing this with my articles as well.

I did this here on steem, when I turned to publish mostly on steem. Now I see that some (self-appointed?) guardians of quality judge this legal and mutually beneficial practice as "spam" and thus flag me. I just discovered that @steemcleaners flagged a post of mine fully following German law.

I could ask the editor in chief of the newspaper in question now, whom I know personally, to write a statement that he appreciates this way of quoting and sending readers to his newspaper. Because he does. But seeing how smug the people running this account behave on discord, I guess it is a waste of time.

They are the self-appointed guardians of Steem. They will let bots like @zer0hedge, who made tens of thousands of dollars by doing nothing but linking to the original articles of someone else without quotation markups continue. But I get flagged for sending readers to a newspaper?

Seriously? But it fits perfectly to my comment about Steem I wrote in German:

More on "Zer0hedge":

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I had the same problem with these amateurs (@steemcleaners). But after I complained, they gave in. I don't get why some people vote them up without questioning their modus operandi.

Because you have to vote someone up to get curator awards.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The best thing is, it has to be reported. So one of my readers went to them to have that flagged...

STASI 2.0. They do it just for fun.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yeah, well, someone who doesn't like me or my opinions. That's fine. The real problem here is the self-appointed "cleaning" account. Who doesn't dare touch other accounts with high reputation to keep its own up and who arbitrarily creates its own rules.

So much about "freedom on the blockchain". A nice example, if you like, why anarchy doesn't work. Because those with power will exercise it as soon as they are aware of it @roy2016

And those who overexercise their power will be sanctioned in the long run. 2 years from now Steemit will either be much better (Interface, functionality, content, etc) with more than 5 million daily users and steem‘s price well above 10$ or it will be dead. I am betting on the first alternative.

These "guardians of quality judges", as you name them, have another understanding:

  • firstly you get flagged
  • secondly you are offered to justify yourself via discord
  • thirdly they decide about your justification

The order seems to be a little bit mixed up regarding traditional jurisdiction, but hey, I am the law!

Dredd was at least cool doing it.