More ways Fakebook is helping censor us!

in censorship •  7 years ago 

Just got this email from IFTT:

Facebook has recently made significant changes to their platform. One of those changes includes removing the ability for third party applications, like IFTTT, to publish status messages, link posts, and photos on your behalf to your personal Facebook profile.

The following three Facebook actions will be removed from IFTTT starting today, along with any Applets that used them:

Create a status message
Create a link post
Upload a photo from URL

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Yes it right that facebook i trash. Because there are changes made in facbook are not acceptable like removing the ability third party application and many like you say so. It is no a good thing.

But they can do only those things which are profitable for them. It doesn't mater what we thing about it.

They are going to watch more than half their userbase leave and then die off like myspace did!

Facebook is trash. They don't like anything that is perceived to threaten them, but they just censor and restrict content as they see fit.

Complete horse shit! They are going to watch themselves implode as they shadowban half their userbase!
