One problem with the "Do onto others, what you want done onto you."
What if you want something that someone else doesn't? What if someone is a masochist? If they go by that, they'll go out and try to harm others because that's what they want done to them, in their unconsciousness. Likewise, if someone is a narcissist (with/without being a sadist), then you'd have a society that revolves around the population stroking each other's egos. Boy, isn't that reflective of what's going on...
On the other hand, I'd see "Live and let live." as more appropriate. In other words, let's love and know ourselves unconditionally so that we do not let anyone impose upon us. Likewise, love and know everyone else unconditionally (on the level of their "being" or/and "soul"; definitely not in the sense of surveillance), so as to not seek to impose upon them.
We are all naturally free to think, feel, say, do, be and choose whatever it is that we want. Preferably without any imposition of any kind. Neither by us upon others, nor by others upon us.
Of course, beyond the veil of perception and impression, there is no "us" or "them". We all are, infinite, unlimited and veyond...
Love, reason, awareness, knowing and comprehension... imagination, will and intent... among other things...