YouTube's worst cyber bully! (Mirrored)

in censorship •  8 years ago  (edited)

Michael Rowlands is a regressive male feminist from Wellington New Zealand. He and weasel squad of regressive mates decided to go full retard this week. Never go full retard.

Original video

He said I should do it in the video.
I feel we have the same thing goingon here in steemit.
I got flagged last night from asking beanz if she could give me input on a vid I watched that made me think a lot andi wanted a differing opinion.
she then claimed me trying to aske her of her opinion as harassment and flaggd me.
Fucking swear.

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Great post - this is hilarious. I have to admit to being a bit embarrassed about being from Wellington right now, so I'll just post one of my photos to show there is more to Wellington than regressives! LOL...

just that one regressive cunt fucking that town up as far as I know.
I don't blame you for his actions.

Well I am going to flag anybody who harass's another person beyond the realm of straight dumbass mode. This guy looks like he belongs in that category and I got your back! Do you want me to go rogue on this guy? I will send him to the sharks ..? @ausbiitbank

naw I don't want to send harassmet. its easier to point and laugh. xD
The word harassment has been given to so much it has loss its value to me.
beanz is an outspoken feminist and all I wanted was her opinion on a video, she yelled harassment. lol
she use to go around flagging me with her brother and then when I made a post about it she cried victm and claimed harassment. lol she even made a video full of lies saying I was making sexual remarks about little kids and shit.
kind of like how she took a comment to some one else about another person so use as "proof" of intent to harass. lol
this is her proof that im trying to harass. lol

the community saved me. she dropped my rating from 45+ to 2 in one night.
shit is fucking so insane its funny.

she flagged me and im like whatever about it. I just wanted her opinion as I am not a feminist and I like outside opinions. maby she thought I was going to laugh at her response to the video but I was honestly interested in her opinion. its whatever. funny though.

My name is noneofyourfuckingbusiness and I approve this message! <3

I try to engage most people with courtesy and mutual respect. Then there's people like this. These SJW types, I make a hobby out of deliberately provoking them to anger. So, here's an emoticon of my dick and balls for all you militant feminazis who happen to find this post: 8=====>

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I took a pictt of it to save for later. xD