in centaurfinance •  3 years ago 

Before blockchain and cryptocurrencies, the financial system that people were part of and totally dependent on, was a financial system based on a centralized model. We know that it is a system that paralyzes all growth opportunities and freedom where only a few are privileged, but it is the system that humanity has lived for a long time and it can be said that it is part of people’s life. In the fight to give people financial alternatives, the trend still in its early stages called blockchain proposes a decentralized model so users can build and run their own path.

Just thinking about it is hopeful and the fact that people can see blockchain technologies as a strong path that leads them to financial freedom is exciting. But we have a dilemma or a situation that must be faced carefully. Leave everything that is known as centralized and cause an impact on reality or add the best of both centralized and decentralized worlds to shape a new model of digital finance that may be what we have been looking for very hard in recent years.

A project that wants to make a notable difference within the blockchain world, should not forget where the people who turn into users come from, in fact, it should rather work in offering an ecosystem where users can find the best of centralized finance and all innovation that decentralized finance can bring to face changing market conditions and new ways of life that we know as future. CENTAUR FINACE is that kind of project designed to give a place to the best of centralized finance and new technologies that decentralized finance provides. In order to achieve the best possible performance, Centaur Finance has made several partnerships; one of these stands out because it can mark a change in the way that centralized finance can coexist with decentralized finance.


I am talking about the partnership with Anak Indonesia, which is specializing in building a mobile banking application system with very innovative features that will allow foreign workers to send money in a transparent and secure way to help their families in need situations. The concept is very innovative and optimizes resources, as with a cell phone and Internet connection, users can have access to a set of financial products and services. Both parties, due to the novelty of their ecosystems, plan to work together in the development and implementation of various services in order to provide quality products and reach the largest number of people.

One of the main goals of CENTAUR FINANCE is to achieve a massive inclusion of people in the world of decentralized finance and at the same time provide the perfect structure so institutions can join this movement with very useful applications for their performance. One of the most important features of this partnership is the application of CENTAUR CHAIN as a settlement layer for Remittance services. The payment option with CNTR will also be handled by Anak Indonesia.

This collaboration doesn’t end here as both parties will also develop the structure to facilitate transactions related to microloans and insurance policies. The relationship between these two companies is very functional and beneficial for users and institutions, as both seek maximum efficiency in their performance.

I personally consider this partnership with Anak Indonesia very important because it will allows users and institutions the access to financial products and services with an unbelievable functionality for the times in which we live in. I always remember an old expression that says “You can judge a man by the company he keeps!". CENTAUR FINANCE is applying this principle by making partnerships with projects or companies that will allow an exponential growth within the world of centralized finance and expand the services offered in decentralized finance. It is a win–win partnership which work results will reach and benefit a lot of people and institutions.



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