Sven Henrich: (Central Banks are) Trapped

in centralbanking •  5 years ago 


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An excellent article by Sven Henrich was put up yesterday on, and put up today on Zero Hedge as well. The article points out the obvious predicament that the Federal Reserve and other central (planned) banks around the world have swept themselves into.

I'm old enough to remember previous cycles and how things played out, so I'm not at all surprised we're at the point now where the majority of the public put their faith in a dream instead of cold facts and reality. To be fair, there's a lot of people in the world living in a pre-war dystopia right now, including tens of millions of Americans. Its the frog in boiling water syndrome, where we become accustomed to change if it occurs gradually.

It's Okay to dream, it's how we progress as a species, but sometimes it pays to wake up and smell the coffee before it gets cold.

thanks for stopping by.

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