The Arrogance Of Centralized Power Is Terrible To Behold

in centralized •  4 years ago 

The arrogance of centralized power is terrible to behold and never more so than at present in America. Just look around this great country and observe how in every sphere of our great nation, centralized power is misguided, corrupted, and nefarious in its decision-making and actions.

The most egregious example of this arrogance is in the U.S. Congress. Here we see individuals who have no idea of how to govern or legislate or perform any action that creates value for America.

20th Century Fraternal And Religious Organizations Worked Miracles

In the early 20th Century through about the middle of the 1960s (I may be off here somewhat), America had many fraternal and religious organizations that worked social miracles in our society. Those miracles were wrought in educating the youth of America (Catholic schools, for example), hospitals that took care of the poor without recompense, and so many social organizations that kept alive the heritage and traditions of various ethnic groups with clubs, celebrations, and parades.

At the federal level, political power was growing but still had not become the "impossible monster" it is today. At the state and local level, social power had not been completely decimated as yet. In the main, American principles and values were shared by all, regardless of race, creed, or national origin. That American citizen profile has now changed dramatically.

The Current Situation Is Horrific

America has become unrecognizable, at least to my eyes it has. The magnitude of change and the rate of change overwhelms us all. And sadly, most of this change is not in anyone's best interests. Nor can it be. Radical ideas and memes are emerging that have no basis in fact. Moreover, they are defined or explained. Yet, they are adopted and promoted with reckless abandon and without rational discussion or critique.

One of the desired ends is a fair, equitable, and just society. Any means to achieve such an end is viewed as justifiable, despite the societal disruption and the conflict created among the classes and ethnic groups that constitute America's body politic. To me, such movements are nihilistic and gnostic in both purpose and actions. Nihilistic, because much of what is occurring on America's streets is lawless and anarchic. Gnostic (in Eric Voegelin's meaning of the term) because humankind's perfectibility is not possible in this world. Human nature has not changed in 5,000 years, and the seven deadly sins still abound.

A Call To Action For All, Regardless Of Political Affiliation

Whenever the opportunity presents itself, I urge you to resist the centralization of power wherever it occurs. Promote the greatest idea in humanity's history, that of individual freedom. To live our lives on our own terms, as long as we do not infringe or adversely affect the lives of another human being.

Two Quotes To Ponder

"History bespeaks of the limits of the human condition and the greatness that is possible because of human freedom."---Unknown

"The federal government cannot be the final judge of its own powers. We, the People, have to be able to defend ourselves against unrestrained power when national majorities in Congress violate constitutional limits with the complicity of the executive and judicial branches of the national government."---John C. Calhoun


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