Chinese Wedding Traditions/中国传统婚礼

in ceremonies •  8 years ago 

On the day of the wedding, the groom brings the bride to the house of gifts that are wrapped in red cloth. Most often, it is the gold coins, which are kind of ransom, and for them, the bridesmaids should let her out of the house. Also, quite often present are a pair of earrings and bracelet four. They are called "tea", because for the Chinese tea is a symbol of fidelity and fecundity. This tradition has been adopted by many nations. And as ransom accepted as money, and many other gifts. After the groom bought his favorite. He kneels before her parents, and encourages them to drink tea. This ritual includes a request for a blessing on the marriage./在婚礼当天,新郎带新娘是被包裹在红布礼物的房子。大多数情况下,这是个金币,这是一种赎金,对他们来说,伴娘应该让她走出了家门。此外,经常存在的是一对耳环和手镯四人。他们被称为“茶”,因为中国的茶叶是保真度和繁殖力的象征。这个传统已通过许多国家。而作为赎金接受金钱,以及许多其他礼品。之后新郎买了他最喜欢的。他她父母跪在面前,并鼓励他们喝茶。这个仪式包括对婚姻祝福的请求。

Wedding procession budge from the bride's house, it was headed by representatives of the groom with torches, they have been knocked out family symbol of the groom. Then came two representatives of the bride, who carried red umbrellas. The bride was riding in a red sedan chair, and her assistant (friend) - in green. In the middle of the road, the bride groom passed into the hands of the people. Near the house of the groom, it was met with fireworks. After that, it was necessary to light a fire, which is transferred through the litter.
The Chinese are paying great attention to astrology, for this reason, the wedding date is always chosen according to the astrological calendar. Sam wedding ceremony must take place during the second half hour, because when the clock hands move upward, it symbolizes the beginning of family life on the rise.

At a time when it sounds welcoming guests entered the wedding cake. This process plays an important role in the wedding ceremony, it must have a lot of steps to symbolize some stairs from the beautiful today in the happy future. For this reason, the cake has to be huge, and then the future of the young will be a long and bright./从新娘家的婚礼游行让步,它是由用火把新郎代表领导,他们都被打掉了新郎的家族标志。随后赶来的新娘,谁进行红伞的两名代表。新娘骑在大红花轿,和她的助理(朋友) - 绿色。在马路中间,新郎新娘传递到人民手中。近新郎的房子,这遭到了烟花。在这之后,有必要烧火,它是通过垫料传送。中国人十分重视占星术,因为这个原因,结婚日期是根据星象历法一直选择。第二个半小时期间,山姆结婚仪式必须发生,因为当时钟指针向上移动,它象征着家庭生活的上升的开始。而此时听起来欢迎客人进入婚礼蛋糕。这个过程中扮演着婚礼的重要作用,就必须有很多的步骤,以象征从今天美丽的楼梯一些在幸福的未来。出于这个原因,这蛋糕是巨大的,再年轻的未来将是一个漫长而明亮。

It is worth noting dresses Chinese brides. For all the wedding ceremony, there should be at least three. The day before the wedding, the bride had to be trying to send the groom furniture, and remove all the hair on the face, thus renewing themselves. On the one reason that the bride brightly dyed, and her face whitewashed, their absence is almost negligible. The dress of the bride is a short red robe, he embroidered with flowers and pompoms of colored silk dress, too, must be red, but sometimes it is green. On his head was a special headgear, which is in the form of a metal frame, it is decorated with the feathers of birds and medallions. At the bride's face dropped a silk veil./值得注意的是礼服的中国新娘。对于所有的婚礼,应该有至少有三个。在婚礼的前一天,新娘必须是试图发送新郎的家具,去除脸上的毛都,从而自我更新。在一个原因新娘明亮染色,她的脸刷白,他们的缺席几乎可以忽略。新娘礼服是一个简短的红色长袍,他绣有鲜花和彩绸装扮的绒球,也必须是红色的,但有时它是绿色的。在他的头是一个特殊的头饰,这是在一个金属框架的形式,它装饰有鸟类和纪念章的羽毛。在新娘的脸上投下了丝绸面纱。

The wedding itself should be very rich, especially the gorgeous and varied to be a table. Guests are invited to enjoy an evening of eight to ten dishes. The main ceremonial dish is millet porridge with butter./婚礼本身应该非常丰富,特别是绚丽多姿的是一个表。客人可以享受八至十个菜的夜晚。主要的仪式菜是小米稀饭与奶油。

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你的翻译中文和我的英文一样菜 :)
