Chinese Wedding Traditions. After the wedding/中国传统婚礼。婚礼结束后

in ceremonies •  8 years ago 

After the wedding, the bride is required to take place - it is a strange and unpleasant ritual. Guests enter the room of young, where young wife sat and talked aloud to her, you can talk about everything, even about the most obscene things. The girl was to listen to all this in silence, without showing any reaction. To get rid of the "obsessions" of guests, the husband has to pay them./婚礼结束后,新娘必须采取的地方 - 这是一个奇怪的和不愉快的仪式。客人进入年轻,年轻的妻子坐在大声交谈对她,你可以谈论一切,甚至对最下流的东西了房间。女孩很听这一切都在沉默,没有显示任何反应。为了摆脱的客人“走火入魔”,丈夫要支付他们。

When Young was introduced to the house, they need some time to sit on the bed, without uttering a single word. Bride to that is no stranger, as for all the wedding, she was not allowed to talk, allegedly contributed to the appearance of progeny. Next, the young were given two glasses, which were tied a red ribbon, they had poured wine or tea. The bride and groom drank from them, and then changed again and glasses made by the throat, then they poured into the glasses to each other and then takes a sip. This rite is called "unity of bowls."
With regard to the marriage bed in the house of the groom, it is preparing a separate ceremony, which is accompanied by a variety of traditions. Under the bed glued five coins that were issued during the kingdom five different emperors. There were five canonical bundles with boiled rice. On the bed lay a pair of scissors, small scales, a tiny mirror, a bow and arrow. Arrows bridegroom blew in different corners of the room, in order to drive away the evil spirits. Before the couple went to the pastel, before their wedding it was supposed to sleep any of unmarried younger brothers. This ritual meant that the bride's bed should not be empty./年轻的时候被介绍给了房子,需要一些时间来坐在床上,没有说一个字。新娘到是并不陌生,因为对于所有的婚礼,她不许说话,据称造成后代的外观。接下来,年轻的分别给予两副眼镜,这是一个绑红丝带,他们斟上酒或茶。新娘和新郎从他们喝了,然后又改和喉咙发眼镜,然后他们倒入眼镜对方,然后取一小口。这个仪式被称为“碗的统一。” 对于在新郎家的婚床上,正在准备一个单独的仪式,这是伴随着各种传统。在床上粘在王国五个不同的皇帝颁发的五个硬币。有,与米饭5规范束。在床上躺着一把剪刀,小秤,一个小镜子,弓和箭。箭头新郎在房间的不同角落吹,为了驱走妖魔鬼怪。夫妻俩去了柔和之前,他们的婚礼之前,应该睡觉的未婚弟弟。这个仪式意味着新娘的床上不能为空。

These days, many couples want to make their unusual wedding, make it new traditions and rituals, and the Chinese wedding can be an example for them. Many of the techniques used by feng shui, and believe in their effectiveness. So, some of the Chinese wedding ceremonies, too, can be incorporated into their own, for example a huge step cake or a kind of redemption. And if someone like Chinese culture, these people generally can go on Hainan Island and spend a symbolic ceremony, feel the taste of authentic Chinese wedding./这些天,许多夫妇想使自己的不同寻常的婚礼,让新的传统和礼仪,而中国的婚礼可以为他们的例子。许多技术使用的风水,并相信其有效性。因此,一些中国婚礼仪式,也可以纳入自己的,例如一大步蛋糕或者说是一种救赎。如果有人喜欢中国文化,这些人通常可以去海南岛度过一个象征性的仪式,感受原汁原味的中国婚礼的味道。

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