Mike said he was on Steemit in his video. If you don't know, Mike Cernovich is a journalist and much more. I'm following him for a bunch of reasons. And if you don't know, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and I'm all for more freedoms. You can find Cernovich here at @Cernovich, on Steem applications like Steemit and Busy and others. So, Mike, if you don't already know, you can upload a photo to a post or comment on Steem and then copy and paste the link into the settings for your avatar, your profile photo.
Mike Cernovich can be seen in these YouTube videos:
For those who may not know, Steemit (this website, Steemit.com) is an application of Steem, of http://steem.io, and Steem is the blockchain root of the network (platform). When you post on Steemit for example, that post is uploaded into Steem and is then shared to Steemit and to Busy and other applications. And that also means you can find Cernovich on Busy and on Steemit and on any of the other applications or moons or satellites.
Cernovich's official website:
Cernovich on Steemit:
Cernovich on Busy:
Cernovich on Bitchute:
Dtube (http://d.tube) connects to Steem like an application: did Cernovich upload to Dtube? He could if he hasn't/if he wants. Dtube seems to be like Bitchute and PewTube. VidMe (http://vid.me) went down in 2017.
For those who don't know me, I was a freelance American English Teacher in Vietnam for 5 years, was a camp counselor in America for 5 years, did landscaping, kitchen work, web design. I like to write, draw. Been making videos since I was ten. I'm 33 now, and I'm near Seattle now, and from Oregon, was in Quebec, worked with The Salvation Army in Hawaii in the Revolution Hawaii program (ministry). Went to the Word Of Life Bible Institute for 2 years in New York and went to Appalachian Bible College in West Virginia.
When 9/11 happened in 2001, when I was 16, I was in Biology class, which is ironic. When I saw the buildings (WTC) fall, I started asking myself how a small plane could do that. At first, I thought it was just a small plane. Regardless, it is good to ask questions. Slowly over the years, I began awakening to red pills, especially early in 2016 when I started watching Info Wars more which is where I started seeing Cernovich and others. I've been learning and sharing even more, leveling up these past three or so years, more so than ever before.
My OJAWALL was terminated in 2017 by YouTube due to about 3 "Video Response Videos" I made back in 2009 which had, allegedly, some copyrighted music in the background or so they said in emails. I think that is what they said. Long story short, you know. In the past, I would argue for fair use with YouTube. But if you don't know already, YouTube has been shutting down thousands of channels. So, I'm not the only one running into red tape, censorship. Twitter emailed me and said I was sharing things from Russian bots and/or people. In other words, Twitter called me Russian because I was sharing things that I would also post myself. Most real, legal, Americans are or should be for family first values, community first, and country first priority. There is a lot of censorship on Facebook too. My Facebook groups, which I created, were blocked for months because I linked to Agenda Of Evil at http://agendaofevil.com which deals with religious education focused on Islam, specifically Sharia Law and Jihad and Jihad is all about a holy war on infidels (non-Muslims).
Dear readers, globalists are going after us in different ways, globally, in many countries. In South Africa, people are stealing farms, etc. In Europe, the no-go zones have been growing more NOW than in the past century or so it seems. Bill Gates was keeping phones and computers from his own kids. Ask people why he was doing that.
Dear readers, remember that there is more of us than there are globalists and the others. Historically speaking, the good guys do nothing maybe too much at times. But that is quickly changing now. There is more opportunity now than ever before in world history.
Which means you can make a difference simply by being an outpost for news, life, joy, hope, and love (those 5 things). And you can share videos that globalists don't want us to see. If you own a coffee shop, a bar, a store, a big house, for example, you could play Cernovich or Info Wars or others on your televisions, monitors, screens, laptops, etc, there in the background.
You can engage in more conversations with people. You can draw doodles, comics, that can get people to see things differently to get them to question the Matrix, the Wall-E world, the stuff that is happening all around us. Like, you can ask people why planes sometimes spit out a trail of clouds. I used to wonder that as a boy. Well, there are other boys now like me who are wondering these things. Please be patient and just be faithful in doing whatever you can do each day to share oatmeal with others, to share whatever light and hope you may have with others. That is how we win and take back what Soros and Rothschild and the NWO and Oprah and Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg and others take from us. Steem and blockchain networks and cryptocurrencies are part of our future for so many reasons. I started buying Bitcoin in 2017.
Sargon of Akkad and Stefan Molyneux:
Is this the official Steem for Cernovich?
Please encourage Molyneux, Info Wars, and others, to join Steem if they have not already. I'm not sure if @stefan.molyneux is the official Steem for Molyneux or not. Please encourage him to mention it in a video if he hasn't. Mike Cernovich mentioned his Steem in a video already. That helps verify that they really are official accounts of public figures, famous people, well-known people, activists, etc.
Dear readers, you can beg Trump and others to join Steem, etc. Leave them all comments and ask them why they haven't joined Steemit, etc, if they have not already and why not. By the way, Steem is a blockchain but Steemit is only an application, a company based in America that is compliant it seems to follow American laws. So, in a video, one of the Steem founders said they have to take down copyrighted things off Steemit by law. So, they do that, according to what he said in a video. But the good news is that stuff is not taken off the blockchain of Steem, even if it is copyrighted, patented, or whatever the case may be. I'm not a lawyer like Cernovich, but I do hope for the best for Americans especially. It might be possible in some cases for people to steal intellectual property from others and they may copyright and patent them. How all of this works or should work can be debated, perhaps. But at the same time, if you are a company in America, you should try to follow the laws, even laws related to taxes and copyrights, patents, etc, even if you may disagree with them. And I am a little scared when government grows too much through the increase of unfair laws, taxes, regulations, rules, etc.
Dear Americans, currently, it seems we still have the first amendment, the freedom of speech, and the second amendment, the right to bear arms which is mostly there to keep the balance of governmental power (the other 3 branches of government in the United States of America, the USA) in check. Hitler took the guns. Stalin took the guns.
Americans, we can continue to stand up for our freedom of speech, religion, press, arms, property, privacy, etc, perhaps. Use it or lose it. No pain no gain. Use your freedoms while you still can. And maybe what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Australia does not have a a freedom of speech. Many countries lack these freedoms. And don't keep all your investment eggs in one basket or cryptocurrency or platform or place. Don't invest more than what you can afford to lose and try your best to stay legal in the countries you are in, as much as you can.
Dear Steemians, you can Resteem (share) @cernovich here. You can share his videos here on Steem, on other blockchain networks, including Gab, and Minds.com, and it is also good to share what we can sometimes to Internet ghettos like Facebook for example.
Journalism 2.0
2018-03-03 Saturday 09:05 AM: this post was created.
2018-03-03 Saturday 11:55 AM LMS: Mike Cernovich's Official Steemit is @Cernovich
Facebook - Google - COMMUNITY - Linkedin - YouTube
Store Hours: Mon-Fri 10AM-6PM, Sat 10AM-5PM, Sun Closed
ADDRESS: 415 W Railroad Ave, Shelton, WA 98584
When ordering: include product name, number, & catalog page number:
Order by Email: [email protected]
Order by phone: 360-358-8298
We're a small retail store but with big discounts. We buy/sell new/used musical instruments of all types. Come see us today or we can't save you any money. Haha, but seriously, what are you waiting for? Call us to negotiate prices. We do consignments. We have a Luthier's Corner.
Check out our community/bulletin board at our store: got a classified ad you want to post here: call us: come here to socialize & network with music lovers of all shapes, sizes, ages, genders, color, regardless of whether you're a beginner or a professional: students, teachers, crazy people, normal people, shop owners, fans, hippies, & even nerds, too, haha. Find your next gig here.
We may or may not buy/sell any or all of the following: new/used musical instruments, accessories, tools, products, items: subject to availability: limited while supplies last: call or email us to find out what we may or may not have:
Accessories: bags, bows, cables, cases, cords, lamps, lights, parts, picks, stands, sticks, straps, strings, tuners.
Amps: amplifiers.
Band instruments: trumpets, violins.
Brass instruments.
Drums: drum sets, drum sticks.
Guitars: acoustic guitars, bass guitars, electric guitars, strings, tuners.
Keyboards: pianos.
Microphones: normal mics, wireless (cordless) mics.
Percussion instruments.
Pianos: keyboards, pianos; keyboard benches, chairs.
Sheet music: music paper, sheet music.
Speakers: big speakers, small speakers.
String instruments: banjos, guitars, harps, ukuleles, violins.
Violins, bass violins, normal violins.
Wind instruments: harmonicas.
And maybe more.
Donations Are Appreciated -
Bitcoin -- 1JY9EVYaB8SafhK8TvFoqs7vyRzmcRJGyv
Litecoin - LRxpufCqg95g3BYuAKHev6NVWp6Sgb7jiz
My Biography
My Life - United States - Oregon - Vietnam -
1900s - 2000s - 1980s - 1990s - 2000s - 2010s - 2020s -
1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 1984 - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989
1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999
2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009
2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
My Social Networks
About.Me - Bitchute - Blogger - Busy - CouchSurfing - Disqus - Expat.com - Facebook - Foody - Gab - Google - Linkedin - Medium - Minds - Periscope - Reddit - Steemit - Tumblr - Twitter - Vidme - Weebly - WikiTree - WordPress - YouTube -
My Favorite Websites
Info Wars Store - Appalachian Bible College - AboveTheLaw.com - American Center of Law & Justice - AnswersInGenesis.org - Agenda Of Evil - BillStill.com - Breitbart - Conservative Army 88 - Cernovich.com - Citizens For Trump - ClimateDepot.com - CompoundMedia.com - Deplorable Radio - DailyCaller.com - Dispropaganda.com - Dr. Berg - DrudgeReport.com - Diamond & Silk - EarthSky.org - Eagle Rising - Free Geek - Freedom.Press - DuckDuckGo.com - HotAir.com - Half Past Human - Hagmann Report - Hillary Clinton Leaks - Intelli-Hub - Jeremy Robert Walker - LionelMedia.com Nation - LisaHaven.News - Louder With Crowder - Make America Great Again Pill - MarkDice.com - Milo - NaturalNews.com - News Wars - No More Fake News - One American News Network - Offended America - Out Kick The Coverage - Outlaw Morgan - Patriot Fires - Pirate Bay - Rogue Right - TheRebel.Media - Right Side Broadcasting Network - Salvation Army - SurvivalBlog.com - Stefan Molyneux - The Citizens Audit - The Daily Beast - Tactical Insider - The Truth About Guns.com - Ubuntu - Veritas - WhatReallyHappened.com - WikiLeaks.org - Word Of Life Bible Institute - WND YesImRight.com - ZeroHedge.com - Moon Bit - Shelton Music LLC -
About Joey
You wanna know stuff about me, huh? Haha, I'm the Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold Rasp Morehead Hockings Pickett Pickell Henderson Cunningham Hunter Mitchell of Oregon, Amsterdam, Germany, England, Scotland, Vietnam, Canada, California, Washington State; the Jo Joe JoJo Joseph Scott Cool Kid Ghetto Montana Icebreaker Mother Goose Harry Potter Austin Powers Billy Breaker Blue Power Ranger, and I'm the OATMEAL because you are what you eat and the meaning to life is love through justice and especially grace and oatmeal is my daily bread.
My email: [email protected]: was born in 1985, February 11, in Forest Grove, OR, USA. Was in Vietnam for 5 years as a teacher. Was a camp counselor for 5 years. I'm a filmmaker, writer, teacher, counselor, web designer, artist, musician, actor, singer, dancer, educator, historian, doctor, pastor, coach, comedian, activist, cryptocurrency investor, pirate, ninja, freelancer, developer, video gamer, basketball baller, athlete, geek, nerd, cartoonist, and a lover of eternal love, life, joy, and hope.
I'm for smaller government, less taxes/ regulations/ bad laws, more freedoms. I'm all for family values, community, nationalism, patriotism, freedoms of speech religion, arms, property, press, privacy, sovereignty, borders, decentralized free markets, cryptocurrencies, blockchain networks, Bitcoin, Steem, Gab, Minds, and L4OJ hope over dope, joy over circumstances, encouragement articles (EA), Trump, Brexit, and capitalism over crony capitalism, technocracy, tyranny, corporatism, monopolism, plutocracy, oligarchy, progressive liberalism, socialism, communism, democrats, and I do hate Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Oprah of depopulation Agenda 21 programs, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Google, YouTube, DISNEY, Twitter, Amazon, Walmart, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Bilderberg, NWO, EU, UN, NAU, CFR, and more. China owns, controls, a lot or too much of of Disney, Hollywood, News Corps, other corporations, governments around the world, American land, American companies, a lot of the Internet, other big big things, etc etc. The top three big demons of the world may include the globalists, Chinese, and extreme Islamic terrorists.
Deep state is trying to take away our freedoms, our free speech, and more. Join this second global revolution, share the links, videos, articles, for the sake of our children and future, before it is too late. Thanks. With oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?