A Hundred days of Google IT Support Certification - Part 1: Technical Support Fundamentals

in certification •  7 years ago 

A Hundred days of Google IT Support Certification

Day 17 - 19


All photos above property of the author and can be found here

Last time we discussed the software section of the Google IT Support Certification Course. This is week 6, the last week of Part 1: Technical Support Fundamentals.

Week 6 focuses on troubleshooting and why its important in the IT Support role. This weeks training contains 15 videos (some with embedded questions), 2 practice quizzes, some discussions and writing assignment on writing effective documentation.

This week's topics include problem isolation, troubleshooting pitfalls, best practices, soft skills, difficult situations, ticketing systems, customer service, documentation and a course wrap up.

It was great to see the CONGRATULATIONS! video at the end of the course. Later on I got an email with a certificate from Google and Coursera.

Looking forward to Part 2: The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

Where are you in the course? Any questions?

Good luck and much success in week 6.

How my journey with Google IT Support Certification began. Check out Day 1!
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thanks for the info