Architectural Design IX: Multimodal Terminal//Diseño Arquitectónico IX: Terminal multimodal

in cervantes-venezuela •  7 years ago  (edited)

As you may know, Im studying architecture and in this semester we create a project to design a multimodal terminal. I did this design with the help of 2 classmates since the project was in group. For those who do not know, a multimodal terminal is a distribution station for different types of transport, it is called multimodal, since it has many terrestrial transport modules.
This building was developed in a land belonging to the city of Caracas in Venezuela, called the Rental Zone, which is very traveled by people and vehicles, since it is parallel to the most important highway in Caracas.

In the project we developed a multimodal terminal where there are 3 types of means of transport, subway stations, bus lines and tramway. In addition to this, we place a hotel for those who arrive by the bus lines, apart from shops and recreation areas. It also has a lot of vegetation and green areas as we wanted to integrate the ecology to our project and make it belong to the ecosystem of the city that is what it needs.

Making the model took time and effort since we decided to use wire. Also, the material is a little difficult to work, but we were able to achieve the objective. As you can see we achieved the union of the wires with threads of maya that we obtained, thus avoiding the welding.

The wire refers to a mixed structure in steel that we decided to couple to the project, which supports the curved roof of the building. We did this in order to avoid generating large amounts of structure, which in a project can cause a lot of money for the materials that are used to make it.

Here are the 3D planes and views we make of the internal distribution or how the terminal is inside

Floor Level Bus Lines

Floor Level Waiting rooms and commercial areas

Tramway plant

View of full volume.

View of the hotel and terminal.

Side view

Side view

As always, I hope you liked this post, greetings and blessings!

Diseño Arquitectonico IX: Terminal multimodal

Chicos como saben estudio arquitectura y en este semestre nos toco como proyecto realizar un terminal multimodal, este diseño lo realice con la ayuda de 2 compañeros ya que el proyecto era en grupo. Para aquellos que no sepan, un terminal multimodal es una estacion de distribucion para diferentes tipos de transporte, se le dice multimodal, ya que posee muchos modulos de transporte terrestre.
Esta edificacion se desarrollo en un terreno perteneciente a la ciudad de Caracas en Venezuela, llamado Zona Rental, el cual es muy transitado por personas y vehiculos, ya que se encuentra paralelo a la autopista mas importante de Caracas.

En el proyecto desarrollamos un terminal multimodal donde se encuentran 3 tipos de medios de transporte, estaciones de metro, lineas de autobuses y tranvia. Ademas de esto le colocamos un hotel para aquellas personas que llegan por las lineas de autobuses, aparte de comercios y areas de esparcimiento. Tambien posee mucha vegetacion y areas verdes ya que quisimos integrar la ecologia a nuestro proyecto y hacerlo pertenecer al ecosistema de la ciudad que es lo que le hace falta.

El realizar la maqueta nos llevo tiempo y esfuerzo ya que decidimos utilizar alambre y el material es un poco dificil trabajarlo, pero pudimos lograr el objetivo. Como `pueden ver logramos la union de los alambres con hilos de maya que conseguimos, asi evitamos el soldar.

El alambre hace referencia a una estructura mixta en acero que decidimos acoplar al proyecto, la cual soporta el techo curvo de la edificacion. Lo hicimos de esta manera para evitar generar grandes cantidades de estructura, lo cual en un proyecto puede ocasionar mucho dinero por los materiales que se emplean para realizarla.

Aqui estan los planos y vistas en 3D que realizamos de la distribucion interna o de como es por dentro el terminal.

Planta nivel andenes lineas de autobús

Planta nivel salas de espera y áreas comerciales

Planta Tranvía

Vista completa del volumen.

Vista del hotel y terminal.

Vista lateral

Vista lateral

Como siempre esperando que les haya gustado este post, saludos y bendiciones!

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Great post, just a question though. Do you prefer to make a living as an architect or as a modeler ?

Attractive design for this wonderful station

thank you :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hahah i know the struggle, this looks like very very much work

you got it, great work!

hahaha yes! Thank you very much :)

Great work dear.keep it up

Wonderful!.. Just keep sharing things like that.