Cervantes Basic: Fight

in cervantes •  7 years ago  (edited)

Miguel de Cervantes was a fighter. He fought in wars for Spain, and participated in "The Battle of Lepanto" in 1571 while being sick and having a fever, according to historical documents.

But he endured worse situations, he was imprisoned in Algiers for five years. Trying to escape four times, during these escape attempts he was the victim of betrayals and injustices, after his last attempt the order was given to transfer him to Constantinople, a place where his escape would be practically impossible. In 1580 he was released thanks to 500 golden shields that Fray Juan Gil and the Christian merchants of the area gathered. Cervantes was already in the galleys traveling to Constantinople when the rescue took place.

In this brief piece of Cervantes' life we ​​can see his spirit of struggle, of struggle to survive. But during his life he went further, he also struggled to create, to make his work known, and to learn in a world where culture was for an elite and inflation was newly invented.

Today as followers of Cervantes we have two battles in front. On the one hand creating quality content to stand out in #steemit and on the other hand the dream of changing the monetary concept that the cryptocurrencies brings us, in addition to the different applications of the Blockchain.

We are strong, we are a community that goes beyond the keyboard and we can hold each other to learn together when the tide hits us

¡Cervantino, you’re not alone, just, fight!

This week we are going to talk about something we are fighting against within our favorite platform, the so-called phishing.

Luckily @lince, the board and all users who want good for this platform and our community are always struggling to keep it clean of trash, evildoers and bad intentions. For there to be proof and to help everyone be well informed, from the plagiarism and abuse section we want to clarify how these cyber criminals are acting within Steemit.

What is “phishing”?

In a nutshell, it is a digital scam. The mission of the phished is to get personal data from Internet users to access their social networks, bank accounts and more recently, Steemit accounts. This is done by creating a visually identical web page to obtain the user’s data. The victim is redirected using some kind of deception to this page, and if the user doesn’t realize that it is a scam, then most likely he will enter his data and get his account hacked. The method they use to cheat in the platform is through a bot that leaves a comment in a publication of a random user. One of the comments that was seen days ago said "@felixjasper has copied your post without your permission", this is followed by a masked link (malicious link) with the title of the post in question.

When clicking on the link the page redirects to the same publication, but after a few seconds the login box appears. There are users who are used to the page asking for the login every so often. In this way when entering the data the phished gets the key with which the user logs in.

If it is the posting key, the criminal will most certainly start using the account to spam more users and try to infect them as well. If, unfortunately, the user has logged in with the owner key, they may lose their account, since all the keys can be reset with the owner key.

To keep your account safe and prevent this from happening, here are some recommendations to be aware of possible phishing attacks:

  • If you see a suspicious comment in your own post or someone else's, for example: "this user copied your post", "get more votes", "more followers", and contains a masked link, start to doubt, if possible, report it in the #plagiarism and abuse channel. Oh and of course: don’t click on the link!.

  • If you receive or see in other publications this type of comments from someone you know or trust and who works with steemit, it is clear that something strange is happening. The most appropriate thing is to contact the affected user as soon as possible and communicate what is happening.

  • Important: if the login box appears, look at the browser bar and make sure that the url of the site is www.steemit.com, not “Steemiit","Steamit"or any other variable of the same name.

  • Another important point, to login to the platform, it is not necessary to use the owner key. You can do it with the posting key. If some bad guys hack your account using this key, you could recover it quickly since only you have the access with the owner key and the power to reset all the passwords and take the bandit from your account.

  • If at any time you need to reset the passwords don’t do it on the same computer where they hacked you, if possible reset them on another computer.

Although recovering the account is possible, it can be a very tedious process since a series of requirements are requested to verify the total control of the account by the user. Among them is to edit all the comments made by the spammer bot and make a publication informing of what happened.

Hopefully, these tips will help you to be a little more prepared and adequately protect your accounts. The attack can come at any time. As always, we will continue to fight together to keep Steemit clean and safe from activities and ill-intentioned beings.

The struggle is a deep subject, life itself is a constant struggle to survive, to be happy, to be where you wanna be, and is in this last thing what I want to focus on. What are the thoughts of our dear users?.


How far would you go to get what you really want? What has been your biggest struggle to get what you want?


How far? Well either if it is a professional goal or a personal goal I will go as far as my dignity allows it. If it is for a person i would salgo go as far as my dignity allows it, but first i would have to make sure that person has feelings for me, and that it’s not compromised or toxic.


Well, usually I’m a very stubborn person. I’ve always been characterized by never stop fighting no matter what. That has given me the strength to be persistent.

Obviously i’ve done pretty dumbs things because many times I go beyond my limits. But I think that’s what makes you who you are. I can’t tell you how far, but most of the times I go beyond my limits no matter what people say, because I think it is more important to prove myself I can do anything and let them say what they want. Thanks to our struggles we are in constant changes.


It depends on the motivation, maybe if it is an emergency or something really relevant, in a moment of danger the adrenaline can make you do things that you never thought you could do, there’s moments when you don’t think how far would you go and you let yourself be driven by instinct and the impulse makes you achieve your goal one way or the other. Now, consciously, in a less imminent situation it would depend on how much it moves you, how much do you want it, how much you worked for it or how much you have invested, all of that plus the encouragement you gave yourself can tell you if you really want to keep going.


To make my dreams come true I would fight until my last breath. If we don’t plant goals for our future we couldn’t be who we are today. We wouldn’t make it through to highschool or university. We wouldn’t know about that discipline, sport, art or history that we liked. All that is part of the struggle of chasing the future.

The biggest struggle of my life began in 2014: Venezuela was submerged in a oppressive situation but despite being in difficult situations I never stop breathing, no matter if I’m in jail or with a gun pointing at my head, I never stop looking forward and I never stop thinking that the fight is worth it. No one said it would be easy.


It depends on what I want and if it’s good for me. If I want something I’m willing to do my best to get it, no matter how much it costs me, whether be losing sleep, food, money, effort, it won’t matter, what matters most is how hard I work to get what I want, with due regard to my principles, to myself and my personal ethic. Now, the biggest struggle I went through… I really don’t know, for me every battle is the same.

My thoughts are not far away from yours:

How far would I go? Until I gave up.
When would I give up? Probably never, I’m too stubborn.
What are your thoughts about this?, i would love to see it in the comments!!!

Previously we talked about “disclosure” and presented some alternatives to facilitate it, in this new delivery of Tips For Newbies we will delve a little in each of them, that is why our protagonist for today is Dtube. Let's start

Dtube is a counterpart or opponent of YouTube, the difference? This platform is based on the STEEM blockchain and has an IPFS technology. Dtube is completely decentralized, so we will not have limiting policies or annoying ads if we are looking to monetize our content. The first step is to enter the mainpage of Dtube and click on “login” in the upper right corner , later we will find a couple of options to enter the platform, one of them is using the posting key, we can find it in the "permissions" section of our wallet by clicking on "show private key".

Another way to connect to Dtube is from Steemconnect, where you only need your username and your default Steemit password.

Once inside Dtube we will begin to explore a bit: Featured videos and Trending videos are the main ones, the trending section is represented by the content that has gone viral in extended time intervals and stayed as relevant material for the whole community; the featured videos section shows content that has received updates and rewards in record time (short intervals) and with enough feedback could become trending . Finally there is the New Videos category in which the activity of uploaded material to the platform is shown almost in real time. Now that we know this, any Cervantino can now embark on his trip on DTube.

How do you upload a video to Dtube?

After accessing the platform we will click on the cloud icon, this will take us to a menu where we will begin to customize our material. The first thing is to select our video to start working, when the loading starts you must select a thumbnail image either from the menu or by uploading it from your computer.

Then we will add the title and description to our video which is fundamental to give body and meaning to the content. Finally the tags must be added, as if it were a publication from our steemit blog, we must take into account that the first of these tags will define the location and category of the video.

In the advanced options, and to make things simpler, our interest will be focused only in the "Power-Up 100%" which allows the option to choose between two types of payments, the STEEM POWER only or the default 50% STEEM DOLLARS - 50% STEEM POWER, the "STEEM Article Body" will grant us a greater extension to break down the description of the video as a blog, this option is interesting since we could make this description using Markdown and html for aesthetic purposes.

Once the entire edition of the video in Dtube is finished, we will proceed to publish it, it will be hosted in the STEEM blockchain and will not only be seen from this platform, but from our Steemit blog also, allowing greater diffusion of the content, open to feedback from both alternatives and helping transcend Cervantinos in constant activity on their trips.

Thank you for joining us in our struggle to improve ourselves.

Don’t forget:
To vote @cervantes as witness
On this page https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Translator:@tafio Concealers: @ysaiasnunez Layout:@drakkomaximo1234 Illustrator:@Enric68 (@senoralonchafina)
Chief Editor:@dcaroa Director: @pgarcgo

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So nice post i like potho

Thanks @fhmovers. The graph is made by @senoralonchafina, Our magician.

Amazing post @cervanter

Thank you for your valuable guidance that allows us to handle more wisely in steemit. regards

We hope to be useful


nices photo i like you photo thanks for sharing about a osts.

Thank you for reading

awesome content and you are so genius...
i Like you..
Thanks for sharing

Great party!!

If you want,,you will join us

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm scared of Demogorgon!!!!

Get the party started :)!