Cervantes Basic: Old Age

in cervantes •  7 years ago 

The senescence of Miguel de Cervantes was for Spanish literature the best moment of his life, since that was when he wrote the famous Don Quixote of La Mancha, who said about his own old age:

“You should know, my boy, that grey hairs are the foundation upon which wit and discretion sit. Old age commands everyone’s attention, because it has experience as its counsellor and teacher”.

According to the literary historian, Michael Nerlich, in his work The Persiles decodified or the "Divine Comedy" of Cervantes, he maintains that: "the works of Persiles and Sigismunda were written in a cryptic-symbolic key destined to deceive the 'censor of the Inquisition ', who under his pen reached the mythological stature of _The Grand Inquisitor of Dostoevsky [in The brothers Karamazov] ". Cervantes managed to prevent the "censor" from finding in the work more than an anodyne and sentimental story, or worse, destined to propagate the doctrine of the Counter-Reformation. There is no worse betrayal to Cervantes than sharing the programmed blindness of that sinister character.

In the Persiles, the old writer, filled by a poetic and prophetic rage, invites the Spanish people, derailed and condemned to moral and material misery, to reconnect with their past, that is to say, Arian and heretic, situation that for Nerlich is a symbol of northern Protestantism, and therefore ally, according to him, with reason, culture and progress.

Naturally, such a message needed a code, a glyph or "cryptogram" to get through the barrier of censorship.

This is a totally new vision, since it has always been said that "The Persiles" by Cervantes, had only been a struggle against his own aging, what is the truth? In the end it’s up to the readers.

Cervantinos, the old Miguel de Cervantes teaches us that senescence is the most interesting time for a creator, and Nerlich’s study shows us that an artwork can always be reinterpreted.

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The old always comes back and most of the time it does it harder. Do you remember vinyl records, flared pants and the Volkswagen T2?. It has been at least half a century since they became fashionable. Surely some of you have had some of those things, and even experienced that decade. These products marked a before and after, whoever saved any, has real a treasure.

Not long ago, vinyls, flared pants and the mythical T2, sparked interest again. This has increased the demand for retro products and in turn their value. Large companies have seen in this boom as a great opportunity to recycle designs, ideas or old projects, and launch them to the market in 2.0 style. For example: the T2 van, a classic travel vehicle, is now marketed with integrated CD and USB systems.

The same happens on Steemit, dear friends, although it is a practically new platform, it has been active in the network for a couple of years now, and thousands of publications are stored in its blockchain. This results in us having a wide and varied source of information, where we can grab "from time to time" in order to create a new publication through the "recycling of content."

Recycling consists in improving, updating or transforming a product or material already created and exploited to give it a new utility or value.

If we make the decision to recycle content from and for Steemit, we must take into account the following aspects:

It is very important that the content was yours and add a link to the old publication. If in any case you have to use other people's content, the correct way to do it is by contacting the author and asking for permission to reuse it. If the author gives the approval, go ahead, you must mention it, thank him/her for the consent and include a link to the old post. Venturing to borrow content from another user without their consent, may carry some penalty.

When it comes to recycling and updating our content we can take advantage of old publications that we believe can contribute something of value to users, and that for whatever reason at the time (vague title, misuse of tags, spelling mistakes) , they did not have enough reach or reward.

To recycle a publication adequately we have to add something new that sums value: update data and information, include images (if it did not have them) or replace them with different ones. What is not good is to copy and paste the exact same thing, even if the content is ours, since it can be categorized as spam.

Following these criteria, content can be recycled without problems and assertively. It is something that is recommended to do every so often, especially to update information such as tutorials, guides and frequently asked questions to support the growth and development of users. It is not something we can publish without thinking, as it can be a double-edged sword.

The old age, that beautiful period in which the mind is full of memories, experiences, and stories with lessons that can be sad or can make you laugh. Many of us think of old age as something that will never come, that we will be eternally young. Aging is a privilege that few know how to enjoy. You have to know how to appreciate those little details like the company of your family, even if it is for a while, and see that the world has changed how we remember it, although old age is only in the body, with gray hair and new pains, you will always have the opportunity to feel young

This week in the Sainetes section we asked the following question:

When you get old, what type of grandparent will you be, the cranky one, the loving one or the reflexive one?

This were the answers of our dear friends: @colovhis @ryanmiswat and the beautiful @angielb and @amanardis:


@the01crow I’ll be the drunk one who has no children or grandchildren.


3 on 1.


All 3.
Loving, cranky and reflexive.

Amanardis Testigo de Amanardis:

I’ll be a happy and loving old lady with @Feuerbolt. We’ll have many pets at home, many cats and dogs. Maybe once in a while i’ll get cranky and yell at kids who ring the doorbell and run hahahaha.

@danvel who is a full dreamer, followed by @marialuna and @joseph1956, told us:


I’ll be the old man who never grew up, a real funny man who plays video games with his grandchildren and drink with them when they get older (if i’m alive), and tattooed with a cool style to dress. And when it gets serious i’ll definitely be the reflexive one.

Marialuna [Red venezuela]:

I’ll be the cranky one only when it is necessary. The rest of the time will be only love and good advices for them. And of course a lot of food hahaha.


I’m a reflexive grandparent @the01crow

Until our next edition, cheers with all my love. @the01crow

There is no exclusive age to make good content on Steemit. Our Cervantinos are of all ages: from the youngest to the most veteran of life, who occasionally share their stories with Cervantes, but, what if we tell our stories through images?

For centuries, photography has transcended as a key factor in science, in the collection of events, disclosure of discoveries, in the visual register of culture in its purest expression and in the art of daily life. On this occasion the protagonist will be Steepshot, a mobile application (available for IOS and Android), it also has a web version for those who do not have a smartphone or either of the two operating systems.

Steepshot resembles Instagram but with certain advantages that make it different: it is completely decentralized and the entire platform is based on the STEEM blockchain, which allows your photographs to be curated as if they were a Steemit publication, giving the author the option to monetize its content when using photography as a form of expression.

In Steepshot you will have access to three categories as your photos get "likes": when your content rises up you’ll see it in the "New" section, this category is in constant refresh, almost in real time, which is very useful if you want to distract yourself for a while with this kind of blockchain content. By receiving likes your photograph could scale to "Hot", a category that consists of photographs that have been recently published but have received considerable rewards, finally if the photograph "booms", it will be in the "Top" section, where it will be discussed and featured for a period of 24 hours or more.

How to start on Steepshot?

From you can easily log in from the app; the most convenient way is to scan the posting key, as indicated by the app's menu. The QR code is obtained by entering our Steemit wallet: showing our posting code and clicking on the code that precedes it. If you want to log in from the web just copy and paste the posting key.

Once logged in everything will be absolutely simple, the (imagen del "+" of Steepshot) button will get us to create a new publication. You can take a picture at the moment or choose one from your phone or computer. It must have a title, a description (if needed) and tags, taking into account that the first tag will categorize the photo. Once our image is up, we just have to continue learning from all the capabilities of Steemit, which will be open to all of our Cervantinos.

Steemit has many tools to give us a voice in the blockchain so that we can continue to trascend and make known our content day after day.

Don’t forget:
To vote @cervantes as witness
On this page https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Translator:@tafio Concealers: @ysaiasnunez Layout:@drakkomaximo1234, @amanardis Illustrator:@Enric68 (@senoralonchafina)
Chief Editor:@dcaroa Director: @pgarcgo

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thank you nice love you cervantes ...

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